måndag 16 september 2019


its an dark place but he brought me to that trance place

one hand on my heart and one of my waist

he say welcome to the clubland as he me befriend

all i see neon signs and people getting out of line

twerking bums up on me as i sit here in my wheelchair

to scared to tell them i need my space , they are in my face

so i let guys do it instead and the girls want me to drop dead

but when i hear that rhytm is like we sync , the legs isnt my friends

but you make my body do strange things when im in the zone

not sure how to describe it but when you hit the neddle i put the peddle

to the dancefloor and for a few sec i change from that hospital queen

to dancing queen and i can still hear the beat , drop and loop

of the place where i turn up and become top of the pop

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