måndag 30 september 2019

strickly come dancing ( in a wheelchair )

you the coolest person i ever met

on internet and it quite a lot profile 
that on the social so when you slide into mine 
i must been out of my mind for you to decline 
it just i got a bit starstruck at first but now i see
you just a human like me 
maybe people comes along for a reason or a sesson 
but somehow you became my writing session 
and i want to erase all the other chapters 
because this is pure happiness 
and i still recall how you transform me 
from that hospital gown to became a dancing princess 
in wheelchair but when the needle drop i can stand up
is like you give me that energy bar 
and that is the power of an superstar 
you can make me levitate even if i cant dance 
because my legs strickly not my friends 
and my hands dont work my way 
but i learned with time 
....lets do it MY WAY 

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