lördag 28 september 2019

the cure for chronical loneliness

i wore just laying in my hospital bed

minding my own business

feeling bad about myself when I got that dm

when i become your fave hospital princess

watching how the dust became stardust

when you slide into my life like a knight, right?

just rolled around the hospital ward when you hit my heart

with that alert

so happy i already sat down in that wheelchair

because you spin me around when i heard that notification sound

its kinda weird how we came to met , on internet

because you the backstage king and i am the queen of hospital visits

does this mean we one of those it

- couple , that always end up in trouble?

i dont think so because i think people came through your life for a lesson

didn't know you would stick out for more than a season

and i really count you as a blessing

because i discover how to be a human being

not only condition

and that i always be grateful for because somehow you became the cure

for chronical loneliness, if that makes sense?

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