söndag 29 september 2019

stockholm syndrome

you might be a prince charming, king of the backstage
I might be the princess of heartbreak and queen of hospital visits
and sorry if i got a bit hard to commit it doesn't mean it legit
recall that request like yesterday since that day you become a frequent guest
in my poems because you gave me something to write about with your DMS
dont know what we are because i got a feeling that i just made friends with a superstar
when all saw you as top of the pop and king of trl but know i understand you are a real
human and its insane the only number i got is from you because i always been a fan
from the beginning and now i see you as a person, human with the most gorgeous heart
and seem to be very smart and knowledgeable and since the day you find your way
in the dm with your words that is better than my poetry ever been i pinching myself
if you are a dream, you better than those made up from the silver screen ?
and i know i been trying to push you away but i guess i am scared for the reason what if this is turn out to be more than a season, never realize you wore a blessing in a disquise and i couldnt make up this lies but there is a saying everything good comes back to you and i guess it true
because so did you

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