söndag 7 mars 2021

heaven sent

i remember when i felt out 
the wheelchair and into my caretaker
hot as hell , probably the reason why i fell
but never mind because i like that you got a hand 
on my body like that , it felt like you protect 
like an guardian angel and how you went from a stranger 
to somebody i cant stop talk about  or write about 
that kinda impact you got 
yeah i remember how i fell like a catapult 
straight out the wheelchair and to your care 
and the best thing with this accident 
wore that i met you  because i notice a through and through
nice and kind human , who treat a woman so she felt heaven sent
again , and with i know you ¨will be great in the line of the work
because you did the groundwork , we become a teamwork
and i like how you hands of a nurse , heart of doctor
how you got strength of an solider and how you became my carrier 
yeah you basically the best  in the background , future and present 
because you made me ... heaven sent 

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