onsdag 10 mars 2021

boarding school guy

this remind me of the coldest winter at Helliden 
the Boarding school ever seen 
and i recall it quite like an picture straight out of a movie scene 
we got the celeb kid that i didnt want to hang with , the punk that wanted to hang with me 
and then it wore me , a bit weird goofy and awkward but today i am like a big ,deal 
so i wore like a bite outside and maybe bullied because of my condition 
but i am kinda used to it so i dont mind me , didnt have a fit over it 
the weirdest part get invited to parties and just hang with somebody 
that freak me out but i was like lets go out my comfort zone 
yeah i remember the punk and watch movies during the night 
i was like chill with that until i saw his secret porn and condom stash 
and made a hit and run because i dont wont have a bun in my oven 
this been the weirdest meeting i had because i wore like his neighbor
and he eat my food and return  , no favor  
but he also wore an life saviour 

ps i love this song and music video 

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