måndag 8 mars 2021

nr 3 . the living poem

 i remember how i took off my t-shirt 
didnt reálly notice that my fave carrier 
still wore there , that was awkward
how i was like drop dead because you like 
gorgeous , how you gave me the blanket 
so cute how you wore looking for my sleeping mask
and bet i look childish with that teddy-bear
how you treated me so kind and gently 
and i remember you as an audio book  
if i hire you to read in this one will you do it ? 
recall how i fell out of my wheelchair into your care 
how you picked out what i would wear 
on daily basis , and how you became pretty much my stylist
muse  and personal muse because all i saw in your soul 
 had the hands of of nurse but clever like an doctor 
strength of soldier and  a living poem and i know we not an item
everything i write is basically platonic but some people are just , fantastic 

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