lördag 6 mars 2021

rugrats in quarantine

I love the feeling when i fell out the wheelchair
into the mos handsomest carrier ,  how he pick me up 
like Au pair and how and i wore in your care
i kinda forgot my mom wasnt there
 so fascinated by your eyes , soul and how clever you are
always felt you fit better as some kinda superstar then doctor
i mean look wise either way you do better on runway
then healthcare sector , but what do i know 
and you got the hand of a nurse  , strength of a soldier 
so stick to what you do , when you get older 
because you made me , stronger and i was like hated this diapers 
but you said i look dapper and it made me happier and i think its 
quite funny you wiped my ass , awkward but doesn't they begin 
somewhere , and i like how you gave me a extreme make over 
became my personal stylist and make up artist bur mostly i like how 
you just where there , because i really did felt you care 
and that is a great quality to have in your line of work , empathy and sympathy

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