fredag 5 mars 2021

the reapers kiss

it was like a blurry dream 
like a hollywood film
straight out thriller 
recall how i hit my head 
i wore almost , drop dead
remember how i went in coma
one month but felt like thousand days
caught in that insomnia 
but with vivid dreams about doctors 
that wore like DJS and i wore hanging at festivals 
it wore magical but yet tragical 
how my mom worry if i would wake again
yeah i remember seeing the silhouette of you 
even if i almost lay there , dead 
how you speak and how we communicate
made our own sign language and how i practice 
speech , writing and the art of standing
how the first worst word word i said wore , fuck
 i always listen my favorite music and kept on dancing 
it made me feel good vibes and better energy 
when i worked with this 
and i am so fucking happy that i survived the reapers kiss 

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