tisdag 9 mars 2021

this isnt make a wish but if it wore ...

 he put his hands on my body
one around my back and one in my hand
thats how i know you are a friend 
i have met a lot of doctors and nurse 
but nobody like him , he look like a dream 
and he will take off me from April to midsummer 
this wore the best thing ever because i dont date 
really ,  just when i got hospital appointment 
yeah i like how cool and casual you are 
handle everything like a superstar 
and how it become like an collective 
i am aware i not looking that attractive 
but the way you like my cat dress 
made feel like an princess 
thats when i decided to make you in to a poem
not like we are item but i wouldnt mind
never mind this is isnt make a wish 
but if it it wore i would ask for a kiss ? 

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