tisdag 9 mars 2021

where i met chris

it wore just like this
when i met Chris 
how i felt out the wheelchair
and into his care ,how pick me up 
like an au pair and i like that 
you stroke me like a like a cat 
i found a bit magic in that 
how you said  i wore cute when i wore bald 
it wore the best best felling ever because i felt 
a bit insecure have been shaved after the injury 
and i remember the intimacy 
of you touch my upper lip 
where all my secrets i keep 
how you become my personalize stylist
and make up artist , yeah i remember it all 
how you help me dress and i didni notice you room 
and took of the t.shirt , kinda awkward when i looked up
notice your eye but i kinda like it 
yeah i recall i wanted something that wore like out of a film
but this is so much better , lets stay like this forever 

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