onsdag 3 mars 2021

you made me feel like a princess

 i can make the best time of the worst
that the power i got 
and i remember how i felt like the little teapot
how you pick me up when i fell and how i had now control
but you keep me in check because i am like lousiest with that 
yeah i really like how you had my back and fuck
i was jealous of that mug with coffee that you held like an hug 
yeah i wore kinda happy that i fell in your arms the first day when i came
and that you really took me for who i am , accept me as i respect your morals and honors 
i think you got great manners because you treat me like i am an princess 
i felt so insecure with that bald hair but you really show you care   when you said you like my dress
yeah this is why hospital have become my new favorite , address 

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