tisdag 10 september 2019

the chapters

my first love call me retarded
it made me broken hearted
and i got trust issues and didnt want to let anyone in
but then i met this boy at the inn , he seemed cool
accept he did play me for an fool
when he said he like me but had a girl at home
perheps it wore dumb of me for thinking i wore nr one
but this chapter feels good maybe because i dont expect anything of it
just friendship , nothing less and if nothing happen im just happy because i phone you up '
the first guy ever and what a guy i choose to dial , i dont care if will be an epic fail
but it would be funnier if this went down as the legends , and not like the pretenders

but what this chapters doesnt tell is i dont want that traditional happy end , i want just being a friend
im cool with that because of my condition but apparently some of these guys arent  BUT THATS WHAT THIS GIRL WANT

but if you do , i thank you ...

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