lördag 28 december 2019


It begin with a heart alert
and i never get notifications from guys
so i where a bit suspitious
 who can it be
what do you want with me
behind the avatar i found a star
freaked out in the hangout but you got it
nothing with me is logic
and everything with you is hollywood magic
i like that
im nobody but the way you approach me
you took me a bit by suprise and caught me in a middle of a fit
let me have the time , come around and back and forth but figure it was worth
not the girl who make great impressions but i make one
and you are the guy that deliver hit after hit
but i wasnt ready so i become girl gone
i like how we become like Bart and Lisa
fight back and forth like siblings
but couldnt ask for anyone better than ya
secretly , you always have my back
i hear it in every everyone of your track

sincerly Lisa x lol

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