torsdag 12 december 2019

sometimes break down but never cancelled

it started good , healthy by birth but somehow i got diagnosed epileptic

and fell in a spiral of self abuse , cut my skin because i didnt like body i wore given

bullied by reletieves , school mates and rejected of life but know i better

and i send myself this love letter , a reminder of all the positive things that about to come

when i find acceptace with myself and became to love my condition - not reject it

acknowleage it and feel empowered because it made me special

remember went to school sit on the bench , new in school and eveyone took me for a fool

and i started to believe what them said but than i got this friend in form of a dm

i always suspitious on people because of my fam history but you became my recovery

journey to discovery , love within myself and put myself as prio number one

health is the most imortant thing for me and relationship have to go

well , until you appeared in diffrent inbox - you are my charm lock

on my friendship braclet now and just because i am a no show

im still there with you because i believe our connection is solid

like wifi , sometimes it break down but never cancelled

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