fredag 6 december 2019

the best xmas present i ever got

i been breaking up with people since wore like nine
but why should i do the greatness in your heart , decline
its all i am good at , figured you wore a scam
because i heard rumours that stars get hacked
and i wanted to keep my heart protect
just when i did it i realize it wore my biggest mistake
excuse you for being fake , i reserch the merch
and you the most down to earth
star i ever known
i hope you except my apology but i like how we end up to be a thrilogy
keeping up with the girl who shut you down , i guess you like im not in it for the clout
i already got my own fame , dont need to climb anyone else - all i want is friends
and i like how i become one with the guy i always attend gig off
you are the best christmast gift i ever could got
catch me on internet

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