onsdag 24 februari 2021

Hes my lobster

i knew when i fell out of my wheelchair 
way to make an first impression by the way 
how i fell in his muscular arms i could tell he wore the chosen one
that would slide stide straight into my blog and my heart , got a new restart
fresh from death and i have seen death ,  in withe eye
yeah i recall the  moment in flashbacks how you catch me 
and i geuss it wore how i met you , two worlds collides 
the patient and the doctor student - everything seem so  heavenly sent
how you fought dragons and check out for the monsters
and i wore like finally God have me an Angel , sent 
i was perfect and it was 
how you ride me through the corridor 
at Garnisolen 
how you pick me team in that game and i wore like melting 
how you became my stylist , makeup artist and everything between 
yeah living during corona could had been an hell but you made it an dream
thanks for i was able to visit , your comfortable hands
 and thanks for making me friends 

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