torsdag 25 februari 2021

how i forgot about my tree surgeon

 i remember when i woke up throw the coma 

felt like a thousand years of insomnia 

and there wore stood the zedd - capycat 

might as well be , they say you get vivid dreams in coma 

so stick to it it sounds funnier 

so he stood by my side of the hospitel bed

i couldnt talk , move or ask where i wore 

i remember  that my body become soar

how much i really did observe 

my time there , research i like to call it 

and how i got two inflammations 

yeah i called it and almost seizure 

because i had a fit and this is how i handle it

listen to music streams , kpo p and sofi calvin harris 

and i thought i wore like in ... paradise 

with all this handsome doctors , nurses 

and neurosurgery basically this is how i forgot about my tree surgeon

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