fredag 12 februari 2021

we all know who is my edm - fella

remember how i smash my head and crack my scull when i fall
nearly died last year and went into coma , i recall how i went into surgery
how the neurosurgery save me from an other tragedy 
i wore ending up laying in limbo , it felt a bit like ... disco 
where i got likes from sofitukker and i recall you help me 
with my recovery , watching those streams but i prefer you dm me 
saw this streams of sofitucker and calvin harris that wore dope 
made it easily for me to , cope with my heath when i wore as worst 
i recall how i woke up from the coma and somebody that look like zedd
stand by my hospital bed , that was mad - pretty much though i wore in a dream
in your live stream and i recall how i watch guetta from louvren 
and thinking it look like the prince of cinderella but we all know who is my edm , fella ? 

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