the story about how i found epilepsy and acceptance within . ps . a lot of fan girling x ( health activist )
söndag 31 oktober 2021
maybe i am to punk rock for you ?
accidents are heaven sents
i think i like you to much for my best , have that bang beat beating in my chest .remember how i saw you slide in like an daydream , never suspected this dm , i been admire you for ages , your talent makes me act like ... elliphant and i like your accent , wonder if i can make you cum in my room x dont tell my mom through , sorry if i am a bit complicated, but that is just who i am , i hate accidents , how i fell out my wheelchair into you but thats how you become my carrier and how i met my future , doctor
kan jag gå dit ?
lördag 30 oktober 2021
The it boy
he look like an GQ model , got an silhouette of the Gillette but he is like look like an an daydream but act like their something wrong with living in the reality , i am sorry if i am not live in the part of LA insanity ,dont let this club party become an Halloween party that only include somebody , that got that god aesthetic of beauty , looks of beauty but always on duty . Such an cutie with an booty , he look exact like an character from an movie , how he surround himself with , beauties and cuties , i am sorry if i am loyal as fangirl , that would go abroad for the on i love , how you always make me above , how i always fall like ari , drop it like i am hot like that cardi , when i play you on the stereo and how it turn me on , how you are my CEO , how i follow you like an puppy , and surround you like the groupies
the craft
the rock bottom
fredag 29 oktober 2021
autumn season
i been sitting under the oak , in my invisible cloak , came to the forest , to make my own nest , i found my own muse to invest , watching the lakes and thinking about happiness and heartache , in the darkest part of your heart , your pull out the art - scribble down an little poem and put the initials of him in the tribe and realize you lucky being alive , hearing the animals playing , reindeer jump around and chasing , how its time for the birds to leave the chest to move out , east but know they always comeback - its the autumn season , and i know you comeback for an reason , i know you did
the hipster model
i am not the best to function but i can make it work in this fiction . how i fumble out life just to get pulled back , again ? isnt strange we met , is beyond perfect and how you wore an doctor student , truth or dare but i got an feeling you kinda care .i remember how you made me , fell out the wheelchair , just with one glance i lost balance and drop to the floor , how you pick me up like an kitty cat , stroke my spine and since that day you been , mine - christian ! the way you took your break by the corner like we starbucks lovers and how you help me with me food ( did you knew this is tech my first date , haha ) i think its kinda funny how i found you during recover - when it basically wore a bunch of elderly , of course i would begin to crush at hipster model that probably is an awesome kisser ... Yeah i like the way you knee down by my bed and whisper : wake up and how you like help me , up , style me pretty when i felt so damn shitty - how you made me forget i wore bald , and how i got sold on his soul because it wore golden ( and i fear how many days i will write about him , but he obvious made me - smitten like an kitten
för alltid vänner
den första var william , men definitivt inte den största . hur det tog 3 år för att förlåta . honom , fatta jag inte var hans ( aldrig var ) och hur du gav mig några svar . hur jag inte försvarar dig längre , för jag var " on to something better " but the better was worse . Damn i think i am cursed when it comes to love ...Alltid har en sak för äldre killar , och för de som mig inte ... gillar ! Trodde jag inte skulle komma över dem men då mötte jag , Chistian Oh , MAN , kommer du att presentera mig för dina vänner , föräldrar ( probably not ) och hur du stylar mig som en pop prinsessa , får mig bli en bättre poet och hur du smetar på mig makeup som en makeup artist ( hela tiden tänkte jag var i gemenskap av en ängel ) och jag hoppas ,vi för alltid kommer vara vänner x
torsdag 28 oktober 2021
how i fell for my best mate
how i fell from the wheelchair and how you slide in like an carrier , how you got me knock of the feet when i saw that face , and got me thinking how will i this place ever replace ? How he help me up like he pick up his coffee cup , how i fell for him - and how he made me feel like an daydream , even if i wore bald , he made me feel like an supermodel . how he style me like an stylist , brought out that beautiful of palette , how he look like an silhouette model , hipster and probably are a good kisser . the way , intimacy came along in every touch , how he carry me like an backpack , and how i hold your neck scared to fall but it wore already too late , how i am fell for my best mate
You rock
once upon a time i fell in a daydream , jump in his eyes like they wore an kid jumping in fountain , how i wore jumping out of the sky without parachute , like a kid dancing in rain . how i fell out my wheelchair , into that carrier and made Christian , in the beautiful character. i remember how i climb your body like an tree , how you helped me , healed me and i think you is quite unforgettable , spine of soldier , grew up like an warrior but choose to become an doctor , i think you wore an great brother and i bet your mother and father is proud of how you recognize an woman , that you made the worst time , my best and how i choose to you , invest , become an new muse , of all the places i been i never thought , how much life suck there , you wore the person that - rock ! during that stay . how much i fought back there will now way i want be able impersonate , that time but i find you comeback , in every thought of my mind ( why cant i leave ya , behind )
onsdag 27 oktober 2021
close to heaven
the carrier
moments with ya
cooler then instagram
today wore an fairytale how felt wore an hell , like everything wore so difficult . how you slide in just like an daydream , how you sat there by my corner - like we wore the hipsters taylor sang about in Starbucks lovers , one glance and i felt out my wheelchair , for that doctor student at retirement , how i felt so ugly being bald but you make me your bestie ! how you treat me with so kindness , i pretty much forgot my illness , basically became to heaven sent , for the second time , how you made the worst tme . the best , and you have an special place in this difficult time , and i remember how he pick me up like i wore litter but throw around some glitter and glam , and christian , you cooler then my instagram, he look so smart , have an good how heart and his soul , is graceful and peaceful , so humble and clever - and thanks for know better to not judge people me
new thing
tisdag 26 oktober 2021
måndag 25 oktober 2021
måste jag dö innan jag ser dig igen
du är en levande sagofigur , myten bakom mannen bakom masken , hur du fick mig på en flygtur , hur jag blev ditt lilla kräldjur - hur du plockade upp från marken , när jag kravlade på marken , hur du kom in som skyddsängeln och blev bästa vännen . du sa inte mycket men ändå fatta jag ett tycke , jag antar det var kemi - när det vart någorlunda , vi ? hur du gjorde livet till ett diskotek , hur du var stoltheten i ålderdomshemmet , hur jag grät tårar för att jag skulle vara instäng med dårar , men den ända dåren var jag som dömde ut det här stället för snabbt och vart kär i en kille som jag knappt , kände - men ändå , vet allt om för han är kioskvältare , kommer så väl hur vi satt och spela spel , hur du sa jag kunde vara i ditt team : ingen väljer mitt lag - så det var typ , yatzy - jag behövde inte ens vinna för jag visste jag redan vunnit dig , nu följer du med mig ut - så länge jag skriver om dig finns du i mitt liv , hatade att behöva komma , hatade att behöva gå - hur ska jag dig nu , nå ? måste jag nästan dö för träffa dig igen , jag vet jag inte är din flickvän men jag är väl en vän ?
söndag 24 oktober 2021
you made me forget my illness
met me by the shore
i know you gonna find a new but until that day stay
take your time with love
crush it
Friends like this
his voice
who cares about walking when you have the best carriers
lördag 23 oktober 2021
you deserve to be written about
trick or treat
you and i
like an movie
my heart is his
en grammatik lektion i kärlek
du säger inte mycket , men du säger allt . Hur kommer det som att alla verb bara flyger fram , hur kommer det sig att , hur du beskriver allt som det var substantiv , hur du kallar mig , pronomen , har svårt att sätta fingret på det men du drar alltid fram rätt adjektiv , jag har ganska svårt att först preposition men du får mig hitta rätta " emotion " men du och jag bindsamman som en konjunktion , hur du får mig interjektion och hur vi är det perfekta räkne summan , ett plus ett och jag fattar inte riktigt , vad som skett
the red thread
the fact that Alec baldwin shot an staff in his new movie
and when Selena Gomez , promote her music " hailey said she listed she listen on - i kill you of summer walker . I see an red thread here ...
zombie kisses
fredag 22 oktober 2021
fint som vin
hur detta stället , blev de älskande åldershemmet , hur jag aldrig trodde jag skulle komma hit men upptäckte platoniska hjärtan , som rensade ut själen , hur jag trodde jag skulle bli något fint som vin , ibland önskar jag du inte så ut så där - så omöjlig att inte inte bli kär , i . hur kunde det inte bli vi , här lever bara brustna hjärnan men jag älskar att jag att har min , hjärna , fullt av brus medvetslös och hopplös och full fullt ös
mina läppar är dina
dom kollar på mig som jag full av sorg men de fattar inte mitt bröst är fullt av love . och jag vet jag tender ramla ur kontroll , hur många kommer du se mig falla , vill inte att du ser mig falla , hur du fick mig att , falla ... konstigt ställe att göra det på dock och hur rockar din rock. Hur du fick mig falla ur rullstolen , har alltid den kontrollen men du hit me like a star ,stardust is what you are ! hur du smeker mig läppar som de är dina och nu är de , dina . Jag offrar min vänskap för gemenskap och hur du klädde mig som en stylist , hur du är det enda ppå min make a wish och sista på min bucket list
Gråter av glitter , skrattar bara så att så det ... smittar , någon börjar först men både av oss är för , blyga så det kvittar men kärlek och tacksamhet , ärlighet , det är allt vill ha , När ingen fattar , men alla uppskattar " vad finns där " finns att hämta här - jo du finns att hämta här ? ville aldrig komma , ville aldrig lämna , hur jag börja skriva på svengelska , du blev en myth , karaktär jag , höll kär och en sagofigur , from that i knock out and until, i fell in you carrier , who wore an perfect assistent that make me heavent sent ( second time around ) and will be an brilliant doctor student , so thanks for my retirement make an star treatment
God on speed dial
alt world
torsdag 21 oktober 2021
min bästa vår ( var så jävla svår )
jag gillar att du fått mig skriva på svenska , för jag brukade prata på engelska . hur får mig att låta som mig , ja ... det är vad jag gillar gillar med dig . och hur får mig älska den här staden för den påminner om dina ögon , Berga slussar och hur du förmodligen fått för många pussar där , hur du ser ut som en konfekt , sött , ja allt me dig är pretty perfekt , din arbetsmoral , hur du ser ut som en Model off duty ( with an great booty ) and is an damn cutie ) och kan inte förstå att jag hade dig som min , hur du alltid jag kände mig så fin , även utan hår ( är det konstigt att min bästa vår var den vår med dig även om det var , Covid )
Vita rockar
onsdag 20 oktober 2021
he got an thing for weaker mind , i got an thing of your beautiful mind . how he never would hurt an fly and how he are way to " fly " that he made me flew out my wheelchair, i remember how must i like to there , nobody had such an effect then you , how you made me fell from heaven and how i fell into , seven heaven when i saw you ! i know you became an soldier but choose the life of duty - i recall how i got knockdown out my wheelchair because you looked like an model off , duty , i know all the others chicks are pretty awesome but damn it you make me me feel pretty " awesome " even if i have no hair , nothing for show ... but the you swept in like an carrier , and i know - we both know how life isnt a fairy tale but i went to heaven to hell ( would do it again just to see friend ,,, i recall how we played yatzy and i was isnt it crazy how i make more friends in hospitals environment and retirement ( but i never thought i would met an Model of Duty , line of duty , such an cutie , that he made me feel ... ugly well that was an lie because you made me feel like an beauty queen in your hands , which no guys ever done before i like you character , morals privacy you kinda wore like won on ... yatzy - yes babe you drive me crazy
angels on earth
he got an thing for weaker mind , i got an thing of your beautiful mind . how he never would hurt an fly and how he are way to " fly " that he made me flew out my wheelchair, i remember how must i like to there , nobody had such an effect then you , how you made me fell from heaven and how i fell into , seven heaven when i saw you ! i know you became an soldier but choose the life of duty - i recall how i got knockdown out my wheelchair because you looked like an model off , duty , how you be the one that always priories your work first , that you understand that i am a human and not only took me for my condition , how you got me recognize my self worth ( what kinda human ) are ya
my fave babe
tisdag 19 oktober 2021
hypar dig för jag likar dig
vad finns det i din skalle , vad då för skalle ? min hjärna är paj , dry spell och how i fell out my wheelchair into that carrier , vi alla vet vem han är hehe för på det stället , han var en total babe , även kungen i staden vi bor i och hatar att jag måste prata i dåtid för jag ser ingen framtid ,. släpper dig löss , kanske , men alla vet hur jag håller hårt om mina karaktärer , som om vi hade en jävla kärleksaffär , vilket vi inte hade ( tror jag inte i allafall ) jag har ganska svårt och se om jag får killar på fall ... hehe
the star treatment
Follow my spotify ( and listen to my awesome radio )
including swedish music , edm , kpop etc . enjoy your party
i en annan värld
måndag 18 oktober 2021
Drömlika ställen
ingen random kille
föredrar sjukhuset förre dansgolvet
dont stalk prince charming
blurred lines
gillar att du tar på mig som jag är din , hur du stryker mig som en katt och hur du gör mig så jävla tafatt , gillar hur du får mig ramla ur rullstolen , hur du hjälper på toalettstolen och hur du gillar favorit kjolen jag har ! Hur du smeker mina läppar som de är dina , från den sekunden de blev dina x . hur jag faller för dig om igen , hur du känns mindre som en vän och mer som en pojkvän ? Är det här kärlek , alla vet ju jag tar livet på lek - men inte när det kommer till doktor studenten , kommer aldrig stå i vägen för dina drömmar men jag kommer dra dig i mina drömmar
söndag 17 oktober 2021
the thing
lördag 16 oktober 2021
jag växte upp med seder ,
hur folk sa att de var kristna
men jag tycker de har tjuvheder
för jag ser inget bra i dig
och du skulle inte få komma in i himlen
jag borde veta , jag var där och praktisera
men va typ nah , kunde blivit en vs model
men föredrar min fucked up värld
den enda
hur kan du säga saker , är inte riktigt där ännu , men då får mig känna , mitt hjärta bränna , distans och hjärndöd och tappa bort min glöd , någonstans där när var dör .hur du fick mig tillbaks för att släppa taget . jag borde veta vid det här laget - tjejer som mig förtjänar inte kärlek , och du tar min passion för ... lek , du gav mig en bittersmak och blod ska spillas när jag skriver tills mina naglar går sönder likt vi gick sönder . vi kunde bli ikoniska , episk - magiska - och jag hatar hur jag behöver säga nej för att skydda dina känslor , och hur jag alltid kommer ha dig här ( JAG ANTAR DET ÄR SÅ DET ÄR ATT VARA KÄR ??? )
jag kan inte säga nej
hur många gånger ska jag bli bränd . hur många gånger kan du få mig tänd ... men någonstans du fick mig avtänd , då jag läste ,mellan raderna tills du fick mig blocka bruka tycka att du var den enda som fick mig , hjärta rocka men nu hör jag ballad en ballad komma , och jag gjorde allt för du skulle inte mig - gilla men jag vart hon som drog täcket över sig för jag kan inte säga nej
fredag 15 oktober 2021
Mission possible
this close to become an vs angel when i wore like fuck it
top notch
u rule
i have to follow the stream , realize that wore not my dream . study abroad , meet some toads , to just get what i dont like in a man and i needed to die a bit , to understand whats perfect , younger and dumber , know i am stronger and wiser - hopefully and i like how you understand me , so perfectly . i like the way we chat about this and that . dont have to be much but if you meet me , here you know everything and i think its obvious i am love been that since i heard about you , how you got me close that chapter to follow an other - and how i reach out when i need to get some help because i do think of you as more of an , friend
dancing in limbo
í like this short message , how you always me address , how i felt such an mess but you make feel like an princess with your sweet words that i never heard and i like that you became the first that said it , and i have to wrap around my head around it - because you the best thing , how you came back when i actually it babe ... how i wore dancing in limbo , like i wore at some kinda disco for an month , saw the the silluette of the Gillette model , how he read my heart like an open book and how he could get every supermodel but prefer to with me , hangout ( yeah i kinda like that i am your type )
super duper sweet
måndag 11 oktober 2021
the retirement days
söndag 10 oktober 2021
I'm In The Band
Death Claw
two days before valentines day i almost died , i dont recall a lot of the moment but i do recall a lot of the dreams , how you appear like an vision of an angel and gave me strength . yeah i recall i hit the head like bang and everything went out for an month - yeah i wore dancing with death ,made an bet with the reaper , got told by God i wore an keeper and heard the choir singing , this made me believing , regain my faith and this is how i escape the Death claw and made me fall in love
covid love
you find it to my poem
you make me feel like an woman , think you must be superman
lördag 9 oktober 2021
not pretty like her , but i am pretty like me
it must suck to know that get more inspiration by an ex , not like i disagree - she is pretty perfect , but when it comes to the story line - nobody have an plot twist like mine , this one is mighty fine , just saying ! dont really why they run but i do get why she like you , and when it comes to the writing i always prefer , you - he got a way to attach him to people soul , crawl under people skin and is better then one kiss but what do i know because i never felt love , but i know how it fall for somebody , rejected and high hopes and this time , i hope you dont elope , hope you can cope , i know i am not pretty like her but i am pretty like me , maybe that is enought for us ?
stick to u
you are the last . on my bucket list , first on basically everything , without you i would be nothing , stardust because you catch me falling when i wore over the moon , heaven above . dident saw you then but somehow you caught an glimt of my recover and discover , i am far from perfect but maybe that is what you like , something broken - well then i be the perfect poem , i know you probably got a bunch of girls that want you , never said i love you so when i say it be like an one hit wonder , he have to suit me perfect , i thought i wore over this but this is like my wildest dreams and i have no he me , select . kinda shy with send pics because i am never know who is on the other side of the screen , but you have me captivated , make me elevated and upgrade my poems and i like how we are an little society , back you up and stick to you like memory stick , usb stick - because this is nothing i want to forget
the untouchable one
he is the untouchable one , the one i dont mention by name but he sure know who i am and it scares me half to death because he seem so perfect , saying everything just right to become my new knight and shinning in an armor , with his perfect manner , you such an banger but i am thought you wore an scammer , excuse my manner , but your interior is better then your exterior , the good one that dont care about that glitz and glamour , and yeah you the untouchable one i dont namedrop for privacy reason and you are my impossible mission
attracting scams until that dm
i wonder how you are when i look at the twinkle star , it remind me of you . somehow i fell in love with the sky above when i wore , well above and heard the soundtrack of your vocals , heard your magical lyrical . they kinda dance around my head now and you make , glow and i might be in love , you have erased my suspicious and doubts , and sorry if i worry such an idiot for asking who you wore but before we met the only i attract on the net wore scam , in form of dm and i want to be sure this wore real because everything is so surreal because you are kinda an big deal and the only guy that make me , feel like this
sometimes feelings like that can overcome , when they hit me like that .i dont wanna mention it , scared for mom block you for like its your bloke and i am not sure why you like me in a town of stars , where one look like models but i bet there is hearts in the hidden hills , that are broken and looks that kills , but i get over it ! did you know my lips taste like pills and there nothing like the touch of your hand , which kinda suck now because of covid19 but i guess it something we have to deal with , insecurities and overcome them but i think we can do it and its not like i am ugly in fact , i am pretty it just scared with harry potter scars but living in hell and not always being an Belle has made me an better , author - so i am grateful
soundtrack of him
there is nothing more special when i hear music , the soundtrack of him is like an dream . how he sync every note correct , with the word so perfect , and how the lyrics collab with who i am , as an human . not an illness or diagnose . do you know how feels ? spoiler alert , unreal . i thought i wore hard to love , not be able to show emotions but i wore death wrong , i just needed an song that fit me like an glove , that song wore you , got me attach from my condition for an moment and during that time , i am like heaven sent , yeah you even come in my limbo made my dreams into freaking disco and help me recover so i kinda feel like we are , closure on that way ( even if you far away ) you still in my heart , soul and mind , i like how i can get lost in your fantasy and i wonder how you got your imagination from and who are you running from in your love song .
the best a woman can get
i think i just get inspired , how make my heart on fire . use to think i wore to fall in love and for sure to friends but then you remember me this dont make sense , and i am not sure if following you on the IG wore the biggest mistake i could do because know i will always love you but i cant help take an sneak peak , like the man you become , seem to be , down to earth and humble that know your worth but never forgot where you come from . yeah you remember me of my second home and my number one , dont like this screen and i hate this barrier but i love how you become my next character , new chapter - an new begin , that help me come over those other boys that frankly have nothing against ya , because you the finale finalist in this bacheloette and you like Gillette , the best a man can get and the best a woman can get
this with love and all above
so there you go with you humbug , enchant me with another love song , twist that verb and make me your girl , like only you can . i know you the man for the job so come on , dident thought this wore love but somehow you come through in my darkest moments and i recall i wore so lonely and scared , when you appeared out nowhere . just like magic and you make me wanna improve , set my goal and baby lets try out this with love , fall head over heel and how hearts , feel when its real come on , game is on - play on ...
not an fantasy
fever dream
i ending one chapter to begin an new , and yes you may say it , i am also begin to feel it . how you pulse keep me alive and i am sorry if i think your exes is rad , but there is nobody who write an lyrics like you can , man because you made me survive but nobody got a story like mine , because i am one of a kind !
i like the fact that i saw you in my dream when i lay in the respirator , it wore like i could manifest everything , see the future , predict it - and know i have to , commit i really want this to legit even if i cant say it , but swear to God , i do mean every word i say , i am just a bit scared for the men you represent , a bit to good to come true , gentle and down earth , yeah you got that body , soul and mind that is better then the one before and the worst part you like an reminder of an fever dream and the best part , you know who i am
my tour
4 minutes
distracted in your lyrics
pop like pop eye
i dident thought this would happen , how you came in like that unsuspected DM . How hard it wore to get over , had to cut you off , just to let you in and somehow i got my make an wish dream , come true " even thought i way to old for send for one but i wore like what a fuck , how my mom got me blocked and i cried for like an summer knowing you still have an place in my heart , kinda rocked , yeah i always kept myself in the background , eye on the prize , like what you advertise , research the merch before you buy the shit , but i can tell you worn born an smash hit and you make me drool like an cartoon because apparently i am over the moon and make my eyes , pop out like pop eye