fredag 6 december 2019

the funeral of my fam

i wore to hot for you to handle
i spit fire and but you made my love , ashes
golden fields , but you made it a battlefield
i love the country but the creatures there wore the real animals
the farm was full of joy but know i dont see what i love
you dead for me since you cut me out like a piece of meat
dont think i deserve this treatmeant
specially not of fam
but i knew it will blow up in your face one day
and i wore lucky to get away
while i could , survived and alive
because they never took and research my condition
understood that screaming in my ear wasnt what i needed
should i had to made a restreign order to them , my own fam ?
it begin with love but ended with hate because i had upgrade
they couldnt take that im was in flame
and it kinda sick to make somebody that born to die  , question why
she isnt worthy your acceptance , respect and that make you meanest bully

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