torsdag 11 februari 2021

retirement house

 I remember how you wrap and made me felt 
the comfort  of my grandpa blue blanket
gave me my pink ugly doll so i could fall 
in sleep , remember how i was trying to figure out 
our monologue , during the night was wondering  
next dialogue but it wore always such a struggle 
finding the next sentence until you help me with the text
convisedence , i think not 
how i fell out my wheelchair into your care 
that's how we first met , i will never forget 
... will you , its been like an year since we met 
and i think Elin , Dior , Sussi , Emmy
should get just that 
... an emmy 
for making my life during corona - perfect 
and i really think we all clicked 
there at the retirement house 
beyond all complaining and 
there wore a workers with military training 
and a heart of gold , of course i wore sold 
and i think everyone is so , mentally strong 

sorry if i missed out on somebody but you might show up in some else poem haha

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