tisdag 9 februari 2021

limbo vibes

last year i almost passed away 
but something ment me stay
personally i think it wore my guardian angel
i wore channeling , how my grandmother 
was like dont cancelling your life , just to get get your wings 
and how much i loved to see her again , i know my time is come 
an i cant leave my mother here on earth, alone with no one  
if i died so that was i thought  in the limbo 

and then , i met random people who turned the ward into a disco 
which a loved , i think i wore in feverdream or in insomnia or maybe coma
but this is where i met Garixx , who play with the sticks , the nurse who look like zedd and diplo 
and , well you . imagine my suprise when i woke up seeing the guy that was a copycat to anton next to my bed and not being to explain , spell or everything between , yeah all i could do was ... scream the life scream which made me positive 

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