tisdag 9 februari 2021

one year anniversity babe

so its  been a hell of a year 
full of a medicating and levinging  
crack my skull , fell like a ugly doll
but you told me i wore the cutest 
prettiest and i thought you wore awesomest 
yeah this has been a heck of year 
remember how i fell out from my wheelchair 
into your care you pick me up like an teddy bear
for people with condition like mine , did everything trying 
to make me feel fine , heal again and this is why you are my friend 
i recall how i end up in your arms , embraced by your charm 
how your voice wore the most beautiful accent  i ever 
i stumble on 
the sentence grew confidence and the lyrics made my poems , 
become full of a love and romance which i never thought i see in , friends

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