tisdag 9 februari 2021

Thank u

 i love it then you get out of control
with my wheelchair , back and forth
ride side and side , like go cart 
down the corridor but mostly i love to read you like an , chart
i remember how you made the retirement feel like i was heaven sent
and personally i think you are a guardian angel , that protect me from devil 
but i also remember how i fell out the wheelchair, straight into your care 
i thought we got a moment when you  pick me up and how twirl me round 
like a teacup , was it all a set up but i could pick you out from an line out  
the fragrance of coffee beans that woke me up from my nightmare 
how you slide in my room and sat by my bed , this is how i knew you care 
and trust me guys like them are like rare 
how you pick out my clothes , basically become my stylist and makeup artist 
you was like checking of the wishlist i didn't knew i had when in comes to love 

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