måndag 8 februari 2021

the boy i dont mention

never in my wildest dm
i would thought it wore you
that would like do be my , friend 
this is all i could dream for 
never wanted anything more 
all i wanted to be to be adored 
but nobody really like a pale ghost 
that mostly hang around a hospital ward
but then you came around in the white coat 
blue eyes , sympathy and empathy and gave me all
that i wanted to become a starring role 
it wore like an shining knight in the middle of night 
when i wore at hospital , last year 32 days and struggle with coma 
somewhere the ward become a festival where diplo , garrixx and zedd 
wore playing , woke up and looked up seeing a nurse by my bed 
looked excatly like zedd and of course we got you who  im not not mention 
because im no fool 

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