onsdag 10 februari 2021

The starboy ( of retirement )

never thought i would find somebody that would kill my darling
but somehow i fell out my wheelchair and into your cair like an au pair
remember it like yesterday how i hit the floor of you sliding in through the door 
how you catch my breathe when our eyes met and i think i never will forget 
was soaking up every inch of you 
remember how i was trying figure out a  monologue , during the night was wondering
how happy how you gave slide in and gave an fresh start new start and dialogue   
and i dont want to brag but i think i just think had the carrier 
convisedence , i think not
 but you always help me with that next 
like how you would end up in my text 
you like drop dead gorgeous
 and my stay at the retirement wore a worldwind 
nothing i wanted to leave behind 
never in my life i thought i would thought i met 
somebody that is an expertise 
when it comes to this 
and you made  me 
... Matisse 
amazing aesthetic and makes me feel so poetic 
from the way you slide in to pick me up 
smells just like beans and how you twirl me around 
in me that wheelchair , how you brush my hair'
and make me feel like the cutest 
you know are dope to cope 
to handle with this situation 
from the way become my makeup artist  
to when you pick out my outfits 
st everything on my wishlist
when you whip me ass i wore like this guy is a badass 
and i fell out of my wheelchair into your care and you pick me up like a au pair 
the intimacy of  living in the retirement but you made me felt heaven , sent 
i remember how i watch your eyes like it wore television 
how you watch mine and tried to figure out my condition
yeah you left a mark at my broken heart and i recall we ran in corridor
shot gun to the medicine cabinet and i remember how i notice you wore so talented
i like our banters and pick ups , i'm pretty shy normally - usually i spend time online 
but for me you always be an friend , the end 

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