torsdag 15 juli 2021

this is for brighton.

its been a wild decade since i met my friends
abroad  , they are the greatest but i kinda suck
on keep in touch sorry for that , had to think of myself 
i like to think we still are  friends , - if even in my head
but i left with a gift to everyone of you guys that so you had something to read
about my experience in England , brighton ,and i how finally moved on 
just liked you did with her ( It ok hun , people like my settle in friend zone )
and i am happy we not in a war zone or a battle  zone because truthfully i am  grateful
for every moment that wore an kodak moment down at the inn , with pete , marti and jim 
thanks for make my teenage dream , and i have only fond memories of that inn
how i i met that Bex that i have been text a bit for and somehow s y he become a friend in my head
how that bridget stood up for my poems when i couldnt . just because i write about you dont mean ¨'
i want to be item - i prefer to be a observer . lover . outsider looking in - so has it always been¨
but you embrace me and made feel like a local , thats why i always treat you like an royal 
you my home - my nr one better then that nr one , i stand the gift shop , my hope wore giving  up
but then i got a sign the stars wore a line and everybody know i write about the people i cherish
because i dont want them to vanish and i like that we have establish some kinda  friendship'

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