tisdag 30 november 2021

det kanske låter galet ...

  jag tycker det är lite galet att jag åkte världen runt och nästan till himlen , för att falla få drömkillen när du fanns knuten , tvärt emot snuten . hur du fick mig falla från rullstolen 

med en look sådär , levande karaktär och jag tänkte du måste vara från … Nordpolen ! 

För du är gåvan som fortsätter ge, trodde aldrig du skulle ha en moral så där 

typ omöjligt att inte bli kär i någon som ser ut så där men beter sig , som en man 

så klart jag föll i din , famn och kommer hur du red mig likt Rudolf , genom korridoren

fram och tillbaks och jag minns hur jag såg din blick och kom till spiltan

det kanske låter galet men du blev min … hjärta spader 

inte för alla

   jag tycker det är lite galet att jag åkte världen runt och nästan till himlen , för att falla få drömkillen . alla typ vet vem han är det är inte så jag är diskret av mig , aldrig varit - kommer aldrig bli , jag menar , du lever bara en gång om du inte imponerar stort med en one liners eller typ , som jag ... kraschlandar i hans armar men iaf jag är någon han kommer ihåg ( inte bara för att vare en person som han typ , låg ) så ha din nisch  och dont be an bitch bara för att imponera , det gäller att leverera och hitta vad han gillar och lyssna , snappa upp vad han säger för kanske nästa era kan bli er vem vem ? Jag har mitt sätt för att flörta med killar men det är inte ... för alla 


 vi sa inte mycket men det vi sa, betydde så mycket . det var som du fick mig fatta vad kärlek var när hela livet jag gått med frågor men inga svar . hur du hantera mina sjukdom utan döma och även fick mig, glömma den var typ magisk för du typ kröp in, närmare än min epilepsy hade gjort eller kanske är det bara i min fantasi men jag gillar typ dig för att jag träffade under denna mörkaste tid, pandemi då all var käpp rätt och helvete men du fick mig, hur du fick mig tappa mitt fotarbete och falla för dig och det är okej om du inte gillar mig jag bara gillar din stil och hur du körde för fort med min rullstol i  fel fil , jag tycker det är lite galet att jag åkte världen runt och nästan till himlen , för att falla få drömkillen 


 hur du fick mig tappa min balans

och falla ur min rullstanstol 

för du fick mig ur ruljans 

du, tog mig upp som en kaffe kopp 

fick mig känna mig som en kitty katt 

och fast jag var flintskallig

hur du inte dömer den som lätt kan bli utdömd 

när du vet att jag lever som livstidsdömd 

med min sjukdom , fången i min kropp 

och har social fobi för människor ignorans 

när de egentligen ska leva som de lär 

men jag visste det var en anligen jag i din karaktär, kär 

för du har tolerans och tålamod 

och jag visste de var anledning varför jag uppstod 

hur du har en aura av hjältemod 

och jag vet du kommer bli en perfekt doktor  

för jag har sett dig på jour 

hur du arbetar, verkar och hanter dina patienter 

och jag är så glad att jag blev en av dem 

för ärligt talat du fick det kännas mer som ett gästhem

än ett ålderdomshem vilket jag gillar 

speciellt när man är omringad av snygga killar


 du glider in 

som du var i på nordpolen 

så du ser ut , den uniformen

får mig ramla ur … rullstolen 

du har den hipsterlooken

jag har den där bleka sjuka 

snövit - looken , men var gör det 

inget hår men du får mig känna som en hårmodell

även om jag inte ser ut som en supermodell 

men det var då ,du ska se hur jag ser ut nu 

jag kommer ihåg du kom in när jag föll 

tog upp mig som din kaffekopp 

höll mig tätt din kropp 

och vet du vad 

du är den enda som sett min nakna kropp 

jag gillar hur fint och intimt det var där 

tror nästan jag blev kär

men vad är kärlek

om det är så här det känns 

farligt  och härligt 

söndag 28 november 2021


santa tell me what kinda fresh hell 
is this when i standing under mistletoe
but even cant kiss because of this damn virus
date, with the the fear of being contagions 
the thought of 

fredag 26 november 2021


 det vankas till första advent , vart tog tiden vägen ? Allt jag har legat i sängen , fattar inte poängen , varför ett tänt ljus flera ljus släckt ? Kylan av mänskligheten och vakna upp i verkligheten , efter leva sisådär bara gå och runt och vara kär , är hemsk . Bruset från kanalerna , någon har öppnat tårkanalerna och jag hatar vara ensam till jul , igen 


 du är tändstickan som fick mig att brista , tända eld men ändå inte så jag gick ner , du var anledningen till handlingen , och du kom in likt en tomte genom midnatten och hur du trollband mig med dina ord som jag inte då , hur du gjorde tjugonde knut av din hästsvans och hur jag kunde inte hjälpa för att falla för det gör väl alla , med ögon likt kristaller och diamanter , hur du var jävla bra kvalité utan öppet köp , tror aldrig det kommer någon bättre , för du lade ribban ganska högt för alla andra att vandra . Kommer ihåg hur alla tog på sig sig maskerna , men jag har sätt dig utan den och gillade vad jag såg  . Kanske han inte gillar mig , till det yttre  men om du lärde känna mitt inre  är det bara värme 


som ett tomtebloss

 du får mig blossa upp , som ett tomtebloss ¨. röd , vinröd , knallröd , rosenröd . hur jag vart en tomtenisse , en liten kisse som du strök så fint , hur du var så ömsint och snäll , och fick mig känna mig som en hårmodell , supermodell ... sättet du stylade mig och målade mig som en makeup artist . Slår vad du var en luciagosse under stjärnhimmeln , kom ner som en ängel , ärligt talat ville jag hade dig i sänghimmeln men du fick mig gilla tiden där var så kär ,rosig , oskyldigt och härligt . hur löven blev röda , gjorde  allt för undvika döden och jag kommer ihåg hur du fick slå igen pakten , som var så valde utvalda och hur jag åter igen, miste döden för att finna glöden den där sommaren  


snabbare än en ambulans 
tappa jag min balans 
när jag såg din blick 
hur du rockade din dr rock 
hur du hanterade mig så bra
gav mig styrkan att ge mig av
dina ögon var som tomtebloss 
och jag vet att du kommer BOSS
på vad vad du än gör för du har , gehör

torsdag 25 november 2021


 doften av rostade bönor , möts av kacklade hönor och försöker stänger ute ljudet , det är ett ljusspel och det känns som ett drömspel när du slår dig ner vid hörnet för en stund , jag låsas att du är min och alla vet jag har paxat dig som min , hoppas det inte gör något en kopp kaffe , något bara klaffa när vi var där , från jag föll ur min rullstol likt en akrobaten , hur du plockade upp mig som en kaffe kopp , hur mina muskler sa stopp och hur mitt hjärta var fylld av smärta ... tills jag mötte doktor studenten på ålderdomshemmet , hur jag var så avundsjuk på Stina för hon fick ligga på din arm , hur du har ett sätt att han smeka , leka med mig och du är inte ens här , hur jag undrade om det här är att vara kär ? vill inte gå över gränsen men alla vet ju att de bästa minnena är gjorda när man går över gränsen , och du vart drömgränsen ! 

Ett drömspel

akta dig för allt du sa , 
kärleken du inte , gav 
blev inte av 
hur vi in vart oss 
men du för mig du brinner 
alltid ett tomtebloss 
hur många paket har jag slagit 
till någon som dem aldrig 
dem , valt men jag har dem valt 
som om du var ett kärt 
barn , hur kan du falla för ett olycksbarn ?
som gör allt fel , bara stavfel antar jag bara var ett gästspel 
när jag egentligen vill vara drömspel  

" jag gillar dig "

han smekte mig som jag var hans 
och jag tror jag försvann 
mig i honom när han mitt hjärta vann 
satte lågan i brann 
som var släkt allt för länge 
han vet allt om mig 
jag vet inget om dig
att jag gillar dig


du klädde av mig bara för för lämna mig här , visste inte hur det kunde vara så fint , typ intimt , hur jag mötte den där killen på rekylen , ja du vet vem , alla i stan , hur han ser ut som en hipster ,undrar hur många flickor han kysser ? Han påminner mig om en  dj , så cool och sval och han fick mig känna mig som jag var på bal , och hur du blev mitt Sophies Val , jag kommer ihåg hur jag mötte de där killarna från Niva som gav mig lusten att leva . jag tror det var kar Martin , Joachim och  Kristian , hur de hjälpte mig genom koman , att komma tillbaks , hur jag fick någon slags vänskap med dem , hur jag var så svag men de såg mig inte som sjuk när jag var inlagd utan de såg en bragd att jag överlevde allt .

lika viktigt som leva

du klädde av mig bara för för lämna mig här , visste inte hur det kunde vara så fint , typ intimt ,hur vi vart nästan jag och du , hur jag var kär i din karaktär , du är sån fin man , kommer aldrig finna någon bättre , finns bara sämre ! Fan .  har bara läst om det där , i kärleksromaner men jag föll som en flura för doktor studenten , bara sett det på tv , allt var grått men då målade livet till en färgtv , hur du gick från ZTV till MTV . sa ja när jag undrade om jag kunde skriva om dig ( ja alla vet att jag hatar hålla en hemlighet och att jag inte är så diskret ) när det kommer till att skriva , men för mig är det lika viktigt som att leva 


 du kommer i lagom doser , lagar min favorit mat så teknisk talat , du blev min första dejt ( lite weird place to have it though haha ) hur du delade min melon och i min ögon du är bättre än en en miljon , hur dina ögon är så vackra , påminner mig om speciella ställen i världen och hur du alltid sitter dig med med  mig på pausen och hur jag bara inväntande pussen men det är ganska svårt när livet är hårt i covid19 , men jag gillar hur du fick mig falla  , hur du vart mitt akilleshäl och hur jag gillar din utsida , men insida är vackrare för du fick mig känna som en hår model även om jag inte hade något hår , och jag minns allt som igår och hur du style mig som en supermodel , känslan när du gav mig makeup var så fin , intim - tror jag har stockholm syndrome when i fell for that student but yeah you made me feel like heaven sent , like i wore perfect and gave me the strength to closure that chapter , to begin my new  


jag ser det så romantisk , lite patetisk men ärligt talet , det fantastisk , när jag var på ålderdomshemmet , hängde med döden - du vet , de där där som nära hade gett upp livet och jag antar jag hade det lite innan du kom innan på livet . Jag tar inget för givet för jag varit där förut men jag har ALDRIG KÄNT SÅ HÄR FÖRRUT . tystnaden kom med sjukdomen och har behövt leva med isolation så det här inget nytt men sen jag mötte dig , är jag förbytt  och jag är inte ens hans  

dansa på moln

 kanske vi aldrig syns någon mer gång och det är något på dig jag går gång på , sättet du ser ut , kanske men jag gillar insidan framför utsidan och din är definitivt inget fel på , hur du är så omtänksam att man blir varm  bara av din siluett , hur han vet det här med vett och etikett , hur du är ståtlig som en soldat , loyal som en kamrat och hans händer är mina bästa vänner och hur kan man bli det av någon man riktigt inte , känner ? Du får mig falla ur min rullstol , falla för dig och jag vet inte vad jag ska göra med mig  . jag gillar och hyllar de som arbetar med mig men trodde alla jag skulle falla för dig , jag vet att jag är en loser , hur jag fick en vinnare som doktor student var den bästa present , hur jag var så låg men du fick mig dansa på moln 

onsdag 24 november 2021

tystnaden är värst

jag är så inbunden , du är så sluten
önskar jag kunde ta mig mod 
men någonstans jag antar kärleken , dog
alla vet , det är inte att gör det till en hemlighet
att jag gillar dig , för det är inte så att jag är diskret
när  det kommer till mina känslor , vet inte ens om vi vänner 
om  du likadant känner , det känns som vi hade något på g
men jag vet inte hur mycket jag kan ge
när det bara tyst hela tiden 

killar med hjärnor

 jag väntar på dunder , men sakta går vi under , borde släppt dig när jag lämna men kan inte annat än tänka på dig , förväntar mig mig mirakel , var som helst jag går jag når spektakel , förstår inte hur jag faller ur rullstolen , hur allt blir ur obalans när jag såg dig och hur gick från " friends " till att jag blev värsta Shakespeare och börja skriva dikter om den här assisten - hur du gick från en främling  till någon jag inte kan sluta tänka på , du är till och me bättre än Romeo och du påminner mig om Diplo , får rummet röra sig , havet gungar och i taket finns inga stjärnor men men jag blir gång på killar med hjärnor 

I Bet You Think About Me

i remember when i met Jim 
thought he wore an daydream
but truth be told he wore treating me so cold 
like we never met , perfect and i wish i could forget
when him find an new chic , i think her name is kim ? 
i remember how hard i tried to fit in with Bex , she look so perfect
how you cousin wore so cool and collected there at the dance floor
i remember how Sam look dope behind the bar and how the lord made me feel so comfortable here at the inn , even it wore a bit shabby chic but i kinda liked it 
and somehow you all become my next inspiration when i wore in Brighton 
did not meant to but everyone know , i write about my friends anyway
i recall how you change your status and i wore like yeah  and how you never keep in touch even you should , this was when i knew this was not love but i sure wore fascinated of the though of us , thinking what if - and you should be happy i live in an other country i would probably crash your wedding and object because obliviously , my love is most priceless ...

snyggast i stan

 jag vet inte vad han heter , men jag hörde han är snyggast i stan och faktum du är den enda som tagit mig om baken , sett mig halv naken . sättet han får mig i obalans och ramlar ur rullstol , hur han plockar upp mig som en kaffe kopp och stryker mig som en katt , försökte spela svag , cool men jag är inte den typen som får killar jag gillar , inte ens som vänner - det är okej , jag gör min egen grej - anyway 

fulast i världen

 jag ramla ur rullstolen , hur du gav mig den där blicken fick mig tro jag är kär , aldrig sett en kille här , du kan få hela världen men du valde min scen att jobba i , älskar hur fick mig känna mig fin när jag kände mig fulast i världen , hur brutalt det var att lämna - ville aldrig komma men sen jag mötte dig , har jag känt mig hemma . hur du är bättre konstnär är den där konstnären som jag brukade hylla men han bara såg mig , falla - men jag gillar hur du tar mig för den jag är och hur jag glömde bort varför var här ! 

tisdag 23 november 2021

themes i had and have

 so here are my inspirations in this blog : 

1 . when i went to boarding school and study art

2 . loxdale england brighton george 

3 . internet in general 

4 hospital and myself obvious ( retirement )

5 also i am very much of an girl who like to write with influence from Hollywood , never been there it just the dream ( but also music gigs ) being a fangirl 

du gav mig minnen att dö för

 Ers höghet , du gjorde en poet av mig med din uppenbarelse , förstår inte ditt inflytelse , på mina hopdiktade berättelser , var vi ens vänner eller känner jag dig ens ?   men jag fick din tillåtelse , vilket är typ det bästa du kunde gett mig för du gav mig en ny karaktär att förlora mig i och jag är tacksam för det , alla vet vem jag menar för jag hatar att hålla en hemlighet , och jag är bara stolt över att ha dig som min favorit assistent för du gav mig mest minnen sedan , Brighton ! '

pånytt född

 musiken lever inte , dansgolvet är dött ...

vi står och hänger i baren långt till timmarna 

är inne , jag borde gått hem men något har hänt 

hur alla ser men inga hör . du är den enda som har fått min hjärta att le

och jag vill bara hänga me , tills timmarna tar slut och dygnet  blir på nytt fött 



måndag 22 november 2021

sötare än konfekt

det är inga bagateller , men du  målar världen i akvareller - med pasteller , hur jag bländas av att se in i dina ögon , djupa och kloka som om de gömmer en hemlighet som bara du vet men jag vet något du inte vet , och det är att jag förmodligen kommer locka ut den bara jag får tillfälle . Jag gillar hur vi möttes på det ställe som blivet vårt ställe , jag kan inte gå där - vet inte om jag får det och jag hatar när jag måste undersökas av doktorn med risk att stöta på dig , alla vet ju att jag gillar dig och hatar att jag aldrig mer ser dig . men kommer ge dig tid för studier , kommer ge dig det du behöver alla vet ju det aldrig komma vara , över så länge jag skriver om dig och jag kan inte sluta , för jag behöver dig ! platonisk eller ensidigt , bryr mig inte så mycket när jag fattat mitt tycke , jag vet vem jag vill ha , kanske du bara en person jag ser framför mig som vore perfekt men i mina ögon du är sötare en konfekt 


kär i en karaktär

 jag vet jag är svår och det inte var igår , men det är aldrig försent bygga upp de broar som är bränt . Du är den vackraste personen jag känt , hur du ger ett intryck av en person som har en bra hjärta , din personlighet får mig glömma smärta och du har en moral som en soldat men ryggrad som en doktor , händer som en sjuksköterska . jag vet jag är bara en bloggerska men jag är din följeslagerska , och jag ser det vackra i dig , berättelsen och karaktären i karaktären. jag kommer ihåg jag tyckte allt var så tråkigt på ålderdomshemmet , men då fann jag dig , skissa upp en plan - gjorde en dialog mellan dig och mig och allt börja med jag föll ut ur min rullstol in din famn . hur du plocka upp mig som en kaffe kopp  i dina armar kände jag mig alltid , säker - hatade att jag inte hade något hår men du fick mig känna mig som en hår model  , hur du stylade mig som en supermodel och hur du fick mig känna mig som en pop prinsessa , jag har  sett allt skevt , varit skevbent men du fick mig känna mig perfekt . jag är off line men du är där , jag går online men du är där , fan jag tror jag är kär i en karaktär 

i ett kugghjul

 hör du mig nu när allt är över , hör du hur mitt hjärta ... blöder . du kan få mitt bulta , krossa och jag älskar hur du får mig hata kärleken jag gav för nu har jag ingenting kvar . allt är så jävla tyst , ett liv utan musik ger ingen  puls , hur livet går i kugghjul - utan dig ligger vaken och undrar om du ens kommer ihåg , mig ? vägar skilda , ville aldrig gå men jag var tvingad att stiga på , bussen - alla tittar , men ingen riktigt  ser - hur jag faller och hur jag under natten grät kristaller och påbörjade , novellen om honom jag förmodligen inte kommer få men det är bara bagateller för du gav mig mitt liv tillbaks 

söndag 21 november 2021


 i can trace my family tree back to where little my lives , i bet its why i am so moody , waking up the half neighborhood with my fits and i hate how my i cant krama Muminmamma  ( moomin mama  ) because of this damn covid19 and my brother is always in seven heaven when he met his girlfriend , uck - how can she be so damn perfect , i prefer hangout with Tokken , he dont say much but he comes he always around and i dont get Stinky , his so beneath me and i like to hang out with my mother and father , he always struggling with becoming an author and mom just support him like she know best , but my heart beat for the maid and its insane that she is mine , not to forget Sniff kinda scared and afraid but everything have an tendency to work out in the end for him , yeah living here in Moomin valley is quite an dream but dont The Groke , because she will make your life an living nightmare , full of chaos without of an paus . I always been scared of Hattifnatts since i wore hearing about them so i guess it wore all an myth , an fabel you read about  

to be declined as an sick person

i could write an sentence that will make you never , recover , that will make your work over before you even you even begin but since you never support me like i do , because that is what is real friendship do - yeah i could write an sentence  , cancel us but delete what it was but hell nah , you wore Prada , Dior and everything i adore so no way i will erase my feelings for somebody just because you dont like me back , its totally fine if you be like decline , to be honest i kinda like unconditional love anyway , so thats how i embrace you if thats okey ? 

you dont have to be the loudest in a room to make an mark

half feet in the part i heart 
where everything start 
where i grew up 
and spend my summers at
the nostalgic nights 
and winter midnight 
how i learn silence break ice
you dont always have to speak to be loudest 
in an room or leave an mark , like Finland 
left one in my heart 

appreciated post to everyone who help me most

 i remember how our eyes met back at the retirement , how i fell out balance and maybe i am fool for taking an chance , thinking we could be more then friends ? How you the only one that seen me like that , and it was beyond perfect just because you are who you are ... Remember how i caught your glance , fell out the wheelchair and you swept in like an ambulance , since that we been best friends ! how you style me in my fanciest clothes and even if i had no hair , i felt like an hair model because it seem like you dident care and that is what i like with you , how you got morals of an solider , but treat me like an doctor and how you made me feel supported and appreciated . thinks it kinda funny how i went all around the world but touch down in the retirement and find home and i hate to be , alone  - kinda wanna call but i know you got yours and dont want to disrupt so i dont even gonna give it , a thought ( but you could send me a message if you want )  

lördag 20 november 2021

everyone know i write about my friends anyway

i am very well what i am
not the girl that guys like 
yeah i know my type 
i wore diagnose of somebody 
before i learn to accept my body
the flaws and scars 
i come to live with 
how i used to hate it 
but know i kinda fond of it 
because i am an miracle 
one of an kind 
i might break , shake 
but i got soul , brain and  cleverness
the intelligence with the people who stays 
those are my true , friends 
and yeah , i know i namedrop people way to much
/ specially if you happen to be my crush 
but have you seen how you look and deserve and chapter in an book ?
yeah , everyone knows i write about my friends , anyway 
because i want you forever in my heart to , stay 

worth noting : this is my fave love song btw 

way to deep

life is not about feeling furfilled , you can live your life decent without an other half , in fact being in a partnership that will not give you anything  is not healing and i just want that feeling that i feeling , within myself . you can have that unconditional love or be platonic , not everything have to be , romantic and i kinda like to keep my friends on distance because then they wont see me break down and i am kinda fine by my own , love to met somebody , but if it not happen its cool , i know the statistic for a woman like me - so we can keep it platonic ? i know you got yours but so what , i am occupied with this  poem . the best gift you ever gave to me wore healing , that is an great feeling and the way you said it wore ok to be an character in my chapter , i do not have to have to keep it on show , lets keep this friendship , on low key - i like the secrecy and recovery like you study some new patient but i bet you never forget the girl who became heaven sent just by the way you twist and turn you verb - i kinda wish i could return but then again , not . how with one glance i fell out off balance , out off my wheelchair and how you got me caught - in your arms 
the saves place i been , belong to the guy i met in seven heaven but do you mind if i your , keep because i think i am way to deep ? 


life is not about feeling furfilled , you can live your life decent without an other half , in fact being in a partnership that will not give you anything  is not healing and i just want that feeling that i feeling , within myself . you can have that unconditional love or be platonic , not everything have to be , romantic and i kinda like to keep my friends on distance because then they wont see me break down and i am kinda fine by my own , love to met somebody , but if it not happen its cool , i know the statistic for a woman like me - so we can keep it platonic ? I know sometimes people do not like to hang with people that are weak , but if you stick out you hang out a bit longer you will notice that what doesent kill you make you stronger and i am further then , weak but i like to think when you most sad , and depressed you will get the strength and found your self worth - like after an heartache comes knocking without an warning and you , though you find prince charming - but no , not everything is what it seem and the shining in armor might be an lesson and not the one you been missing

smoking hot

 just fell from heaven to fell into heaven , again when i saw his baby blue eyes , heavenly  , and just with an glance i fell out of my balance and out of my wheelchair , drop dead , hit my forehead . i remember how ridiculous in my epilepsy hat but at least it saved my live and yes , i never felt so alive there at the retirement , quite funny how i been twice around the world but felt most safe clinging on to your arm like it wore an broken lips and have you seen your lips , i really wished i had them - kissed ? How you made me feel like i wore smoking hot , do you get i am like you kinda ... a lot ? how can you paint up everything so perfect , brush  up with make up , put some lip gloss ( the intimacy of it all when it wore just us ) how you slide in me in my room , kneel to wake me up but i been awake since 05.05 , how i closed my eyes around 06.30  because i knew the boy i come to love would come in like an dream , how i had my eyes close for some minutes because i love your vocals (  ps you should read in my lyrics ) yeah you made this dark time to an awesome time , where i find an unexpected plot twist to get down with and hang with - that was kinda perfect 

close mind people

here is an free advice , dont have an heavy heart and open new people from the start . dont be close minded , up for a fight , well you might be an sexy as hell but you should know , better than put down people in your surroundings . You never know what they been through and i can tell you love is deep and not really worth to keep , because all we want good vibes and people who give you good feelings . not bad and i feel quite sad for you for not be able to embrace people , just seclude them out of conversations - it speaks a lot about your intellect that you cant listen out on people who try to give you an advice , but what a fuck be a bitch if you likeb


 so i met this sucky sucky person in this chatroom , never met this discussing  call for like an human being , you cant go an treat people like that just because they want to give you an free advice in life : it must suck be your wife and you really must have an sucky sucky life for putting people down . you dont know me , but thought you drain me , is not cool and fuck you and your crew . Bitches dont get crownes and you become who you talk with , and i got crew love , higher cloud so i really dont need you around 

my hotspot

 never suspect that i would fall in love with an doctor student , know it is not exactly right but it cant help if you make me develop feelings when i wore the patient and to be fair , everyone know that i got an certain type i like , yeah i never thought i would fell out the that wheelchair when i saw that carrier , one glance and how you help me up like i wore kitty cat , felt so awesome to be stroke by your hands and how you hands became my , friends ! i remember how you sat in my bed , for a minute , i guess you wore tired of your other patients or you kinda like my company , maybe you just me felt like this wore our covid family ? i recall i sat in the corner of the common room and how we exchange looks , how happy i was when your breaks and sat down , how it became our spot , wasent much but for me it  wore the hotspot ! kinda funny i been all around the world but the retirement is where i became , heaven sent - something i never forget ( and i am sorry if i become an , addict ) 

first aid kit

never suspected i would found an king living behind the the castle walls ,one glance an you put me out of balance , made me fall head over heal out of the wheelchair , when i notice your morals ( such an honor to be in your hands and we might not be able to walk down the aisle , but who cares ) you got that first aid kit , got my heart in an doctor bag and the best accessoar is an stethoscope , did you know how much you prevent an fit , just by looking at me ? How you make me cope with what i live with , and that is an great character . specially when you are an carrier doctor student and when life sucks as an patient , well its an great feeling to be heaven sent 

fredag 19 november 2021

you made me an Supermodel

 never suspect to find an king living in the retirement , with an character like an soldier and moral like the prince of my dreams , just with on glance you knock me out of balance and thinking about romance , i recall how you treat me so well , how you pick me up when i fell and how shocked you become when i almost drop dead and hit my forehead , how he grab my waist and paint my lips like he wanted an , taste , how you dident know where to watch when i begin to undress and i forget you still wore in the room and how i your eyes , caught , how i went from good girl to , bad and how you jumped in my story and now we gown in history . i recall how you style me like an stylist and how you wore the greatest make up artist , brush away my memories with that lip gloss and made me feel good about myself , like forget i had no hair because your hands made me feel like i wore some kinda supermodel , and this is the qualities you got and why you are so damn perfect 

Crew Love

 you can paint the retirement into an castle and you brush me up like you use an pastel , made an dark situation so much brighter with your silhouette and you look like a model from Gillette . I remember how you help me break the fall , how you pick me up an kitty cat and how you pat me to bed , woke me up with that wonderful voice so different then others . how you actually treat me like i matter , how i saw you as an king because you help me with living , i hope your parents know how good qualities their son got and your partner , is shall be blessed , impressed by your credits . i fell in love during an difficult time , and i know you not mine but maybe you can be , mine - just a little bit because everyone want to feel like their heart beat , the best accessoar is an stethoscope and you look so fresh in your coat , long hair , tied up when i had non , you made me feel like i had hair , like i wore an hair model , how you style my Pampers , yeah you are an good example that not everything is what it seem and i think you are my daydream , how you lay my makeup better then an makeup artist and i bet you would be an beautiful vocalist , one thing is for sure you will be the greatest doctor ... 

gentlemen code

 darling , your looks look like they could kill my darling and you hit ´me without an warning never i thought you would become prince charming , in that blue uniform , how you slide in my life on your white horse and made loose control when i caught your glance , fell out of balance and out of my wheelchair . how you pick me up like i wore an coffee cup , made me felt like i wore sugar and how you spin me around like an spoon , yeah and how i l love how you spend your breaks with me where i sat in the common room and how we became Starbucks lovers , i like how you treat me so kind , how you have so gentle mind  because not everyone do but i like how you dident judge me for who i am , that you accept me as an friend , we do not talk much but i talk with you all the time in my head , write you manus script - starring me and you , yeah i like you got that gentlemen code that make my heart want to explode and i wonder how you become an character in my poems , is not like really friends ? 


 been the queen of the north and pirate of the seven seas but found the king of my dreams , when i did do a touch down in the retirement and went for heaven sent , why is my obsession about people i do not know , they should be addicted to me ? Sure he wore cool but i am pretty fly bean to , and with time i learn that i am pretty awesome for who i am , even if i am belong hospital scene then the party scene . if you know what i mean ? But i learnt that life is pretty awesome , it is what you make it - you do not have to be an it girl to see the world , you can be an sick girl and i think my condition make me , special and not just an normal woman - it makes me an superwoman  

an awesome chapter

 there something with you that trigger in the way you look at me like you know what is love , how you put me above and pick me up when i am , down - brush me broken crown and together we are the talk of the town , you paint an beautiful setting , how the prince kneel for the princess , and the feeling wore priceless . how i heard you swept in on your white horse , how i wore kept my eyes closed and how you help me with my blouse , the intimacy of it all  . remember how i met you there in retirement , fell out my wheelchair head over heel because you look so awesome , the feeling wore like dopamine and how you gave me adrenaline ! How you became my favorite carrier and how you treat me like i wore made of cotton candy , how you always look so fancy in your blue uniform , this is not the norm . trust me there is people in your field who dont treat me like that and the way you swept in my life wore an character that made form , and you wore to great to ignore so i was like yeah i dont got money but i do got creativity and you is an awesome chapter 


 there something with you that trigger in the way you look at me like you know what is love , how you put me above and pick me up when i am , down - brush me broken crown and together we are the talk of the town , you paint an beautiful setting , how the prince kneel for the princess , and the feeling wore priceless . how i heard you swept in on your white horse , how i wore kept my eyes closed and how you help me with my blouse , the intimacy of it all  , how you become my wonderwall , i remember waking up and watching your blue eyes , falling from the sky - it wore the best feeling ever and that what you deliver so i could begin an new chapter , to skiss on an new character and find an new inspiration , how you pick me up like an cup of coffee , help me to find my ambition and motivation , when everyone leave , you stay and maybe one day will find our way around , back . i remember that i sat in the corner of the retirement and felt heaven sent when you pull out the chair on the break , and i know its a lot on stake but maybe if you give your time to give yourself an break , then you might notice i am here for you while you do you because i support you because thats what friends , do 

my poetry

 the problem with him is he is the only one i believe in me as an person . how i loose confidence without you in my surrounding , you like my surround system and we not even an item , but i really rely on your songs have became mine , support system , they help me through this and i know dealing with an condition is an progress but you make me find my recovery and without you i would not be able to write my ... poetry 

unconditional love

 unconditional love , is what make you perfect , how you make me feel like i am look like an supermodel , forget that i had no hair and make me feel like hair model , when you look at me like that ! I remember it like this , how you made me knock off the wheelchair when i saw that dope carrier and i wore like , yeah bet you got an great moral and character . How you swept in when i fell and how you help me up like an aupair , never suspect to feel like that , perfect ! Do you remember how you brush up my confidence with that the knowledge i made an friend .  yeah i remember how you lift me up like your coffee cup , how you put on my make up like an make up - artist , with vocals like an billboard artist and how you style me so fancy in those pampers , consider this my love letter to an certain carrier ... 

torsdag 18 november 2021


if we never make it its okey 
but i hope i will see you , one day
you the light of my day , shinning bright 
remind me above the stars above
maybe its unconditional love
platonic , or maybe you got that magic 
that make people fall in love 
your songs is our , songs now 
i got an playlist full of them
and we not even an item
since you send me that dm
and yes you can call me that
but i might not be answer back
yet but never forget 
this poems is inspired by somebody 
with the Hollywood glow and makes girls fall in love
that you pick me to write to is just weird confused but awesome
mostly because you so damn handsome 

Media , darling

i know you care about your privacy , i wore brought up on Media , darling 
but in all fairness , i told you this ... 
when we became to chat 
never really though it wore you 
because that would be an dream come true 
and i been known for drop names without shame 
but you the only one i am discrete about 
yeah i grew up loving pop culture 
you do the best to avoid TMZ cameras 
i dont want to disappoint but i wont change my point 
of you , because the view is what i love 


the blinds wore close 
dident you wore just one of those boys 
beautiful sculpture , architect beyond perfect 
you got me wrap around my finger 
and i hate you still linger , love you made me felt 
heaven sent , it wore almost perfect 
i recall i watch the simpsons in the common room 
when you came out and joined me , dont really remember much
just the feeling of being safe and protected until you hurt me 
was it really worth it , just because you had an reputation uphold 
something you said turn me cold 

respect your fans because they are your true friends

 Did you cry over me like i did over , you ? Do you keep me in my dreams , nothing good is like what they seems ? And you really fucked me over , you know that right . how you lead me on , made it hard to move on and how its hard to forget when i wore on my peek , health wise , You have no right to comeback and set me on wrong track , just because i question who you are , i dont really know you , you could be an fake , an potential heartbreak and all i do is protect my privacy and respect yours and i hate how every song has became ours , i know it cost to be an an star , have you forget who you used to be - just an wannabe  before you made it and you shall respect your fans because they are your loyal friends 


i recall the around the corner 
i thought i would find an lover
recall he embrace with an hug
i wore like you totally going down 
... in my blog ;) 
dident remember much 
about that time more then 
it was here i met my new crush 
how he wore stuck in my head 
put me in a mood 
yeah i remember everything 
about the inn 
how he  wrapped me around my finger 
was the greatest singer 
and how i he put me through the  wringer  


i woke up over the night 
thinking something is not right
when all of my body parts 
fall apart there is some kinda heart 
i day without an seizure is the best 
but then again when i end up in hospital
because of an dangerous fit , is it weird  how much i love it ?
i dont like my insecurities 
when i watch myself in the mirrors
living life with conditions , feeling like 
an constent left down  remember you heaven sent 
and nobody can take back that your magic you got inside 
you are more then scars and your emotional rug back
trust me , life is more then being an train wreck  
but suddenly hit me , i am beautiful - even if i am an mess
in an hospital dress , i even tend to ... impress 
the doctor and nurse because i am survivor 
who cares about the material things when you been through hell
and back , when you got carriers that have your back when your unwell
when i dressed in pampers and feel like shit , yeah nothing with this situation is lit
but you make my story perfect , the way you swept me off my feet and knock me off my wheelchair , how you made me forget i hade no hair and felt like i wore an hair model
look like an supermodel when you style me like that and brush me with your fingertips 
yeah this are those memories i forever will keep , how you look at me and said without say it : you beautiful , and thats why always cherish the memories from the retirement because they holy , sacred and special like everyone there a force to be recon with , basically beautiful outside and underneath 

family tree

you must be having some serious issues 
when you cant keep an friendship 
cope with i am dope as hell
wish you nothing but , well
think you are the best 
but treat me like i am the worst
well everyone got their limit 
and fuck you right back
i gonna trim the bush 
tell your secret crush
that you way to much 
all you do is cut off me 
from the family tree
and now there no 
you and me 

onsdag 17 november 2021

the culture of heartache

  i always been drawn to Gossip Magazine , you make the best to not end up in them , i love how you quotes make me feel like an song from my playlist and i wonder if you ever remember the girl , in the audience that went abroad for an performance - how you spun my wheelchair and i almost drop dead , when i saw you , Confetti stuck in my hair and i couldn't stop and stair  , hypnotize of the environment and became to heaven sent  - yeah i always been draw to Popular culture , you do the best to be caught on TRL - but somehow this got way to real  , it surreal but i love the appeal and love how it feel , like a beat of an broken drum that goes on way to strong , an echo that play on way to strong and i hate i cant move on , since that day  , i go to the lakes where the heartaches belong and you only hear the siren sad song shouting out my name to put me in the spotlight , for once . its sad , confused and lovely but i kinda love fall head above into something that might not be real , its how i heal 


 he got the Hollywood glow , but he probably dont know who i am . i mean , i am just an fan, worlds apart but you always got an place in my , heart ! remember that . i know he seem like an dream , but people say dream big so that is what i did , manifest it and took an shoot , lay out some lines to make him , mine and if he decline , its kinda are find , you only live once and yes got dips on his lips , prefer you in the kissing booth then dj booth ,,,, if you know what  i mean 


one night in Brighton

 its an dark night , the only light comes from the karaoke bar , it says that here you be an superstar , so sign me up ! I am new here but already fell in love , it smell like the perfect fragrance of an romance , and is made of beer , God , i love it here ... i remember how you all became my friends , how happy i got of that , request - yeah everything blue and naive and perfect . how i thought they actually liked my company , never thought you forget me just because you got an family - dont you know i am unforgettable ? I remember that night when i wore attend that pub , introvert and shy but you made it look so fun up there i became an extrovert . And i remember my time with the Brighton lads , fondly . no bad blood here , dear ! Just because , i am a bit emo wrack and write probably until to i am death , is not because i am wet of crying  of the thought never be seeing you guys anymore .

Nothing but an dream

 i always been drawn to Gossip Magazine , you make the best to not end up in them , i love how you quotes make me feel like an song from my playlist and i wonder if you ever remember the girl , in the audience that went abroad for an performance - how you spun my wheelchair and i almost drop dead , when i saw you , Confetti stuck in my hair and i couldn't stop and stair  , hypnotize of the environment and became to heaven sent  - yeah i always been draw to Popular culture , you do the best to be caught on TRL - but somehow this got way to real  , surreal .... how life can be nothing but a dream


i cant help but fantasies about Hollywood stolen dreams , party scenes and golden age dancing to the soundtrack of DJS , You do you best to avoid be caught on TMZ   , i love those popular culture dreams , i got i hate how you remind me of every song on the Spotify playlist and how you the only guy i really ... miss ! I pretend i am over it , but i am to deep  to get over it and i freaking love it . Five minutes on internet is to much because i always seem to end up on your site , listen to your tunes and i hate how your exes portray you so bad but you will never here it from me , and i hate how i like their lyrics but mostly , i like how you came back when my wheelchair went out of track and i somehow it become , perfect 

tisdag 16 november 2021

Healing powers

 the thing with being an coma it wore out of body experience and it change me a lot . thought my dreams wore not peaceful , i really find an inner peace which is hard to explain for people who never been through it . just because i wore not woke , i did hear everything going on and they say people who is in a coma have sensitive hearing and understand the environment  ( that why you shall speak to them even if they in coma ) because you never now , my mom sat by my side all the time when she not worked and talked i recall , not about what , just recall her presence of being there and as i could not speak when i woke up , we made this signals with our hands - one push for yes , two for no and thats how we got through and of course , i had my music which basically wore my life line . i could not speak , write but i could listen - and that wore enough , for that moment 

coma survivor

i like pop culture and you avoid be caught on TMZ . Rumor has it but i chose  not to believe in it . maybe its not right to write this poems but i think you too good to be true and the thought of what if , hunts me to death - lit ? how many times have i google your name and how many times have i listen to you - an be like , every song is about  me , without an doubt, you so down to earth and  humble ( it seems , did i channel you by right time when i  wore out of my mind and lost and needed somebody when things wore fragile like an dream '' is basically crazy to me " because all i known for being at hospital wards so i have no idea when we would have met , i guess it wore on Internet ? All i recall i wore have like laying in coma for an month , having fever dreams and somehow you come through and lead me , through but its my true and this wore how i survived being in coma . so i remember when i woke up and saw a male nurse beside my bed , he look exact like Zedd , and as i could not speak i wore totally freak out thought i still wore in limbo but everything here sounded being on a disco which wore fun either way because they closed every pub and club in town so being in limbo wore kind funnier , for a while  


i like pop culture and you avoid be caught on TMZ . Rumor has it but i chose  not to believe in it . maybe its not right to write this poems but i think you too good to be true and the thought of what if , hunts me to death - lit ? how many times have i google your name and how many times have i listen to you - an be like , every song is about  me , without an doubt, you so down to earth and  humble ( it seems , did i channel you by right time when i  wore out of my mind and lost and needed somebody when things wore fragile like an dream '' is basically crazy to me " because all i known for being at hospital wards so i have no idea when we would have met , i guess it wore on Internet ? All i recall i wore have like laying in coma for an month , having fever dreams and somehow you come through and lead me , true . Acknowledgement is such a big thing , an hey can bring back somebody to life and cut them off , can push them off the edge - you have to be physical strong to get its not your fault , do never think it is - want meant to be will be , but i always like to believe in you and me  

they never see it come though


hi my name is , miss fit and i am known for sitting in my room when i am not in the hospital and pick up guys and banter , i like to pick up guys at hospitals because that kinda my scene 
an exam by an hot doctor student and i been known as going to heaven sent , once or twice 
there a lot of people i notice that is my age that got what i like and need , basically an surgeon that will make my heart stop bleed ! Is kinda like speed date i imagine , and you look like quite an fantasy to me ? they never see it coming , yeah all my seizures comes a bit without an warning maybe because there no prince charming of around when i drop and my legs give up 

måndag 15 november 2021


i been all around the world but made touch down 
in his arm and i never felt so safe and sound 
at that retirement when i almost went , heaven sent 
i remember how i got shook by his appearance
never had i smelt a fragrance so good , coffee beans 
i dont even like that but i like you so i wore like decided you my boo
yeah i recall how i fell out of my wheelchair 
i really like how gentle he wore with hands , from that day i though we wore friends 
apparently not - they slip out 
and i know you probably got some cooler , healthier and with my ticks to make out 
by now and it feels like he reach out his tongue and no wrong with that except 
everything with her is so bloody perfect 

brother to an sister

hi my name is , miss fit and i am known for sitting in my room when i am not in the hospital and pick up guys and banter , i like to pick up guys at hospitals because that kinda my scene 
an exam by an hot doctor student and i been known as going to heaven sent , once or twice 
there a lot of people i notice that is my age that got what i like and need , basically an surgeon that will make my heart stop bleed ! Is kinda like speed date i imagine , and you look like quite an fantasy to me ? they never see it coming because i hit them , without an warning , how i drop it like i am hot , slide in just to be caught , faster then an ambulance and when we on that topic love has no logic - is like magic ? 
i  like how the make me fall out my wheelchair , becomes my caretaker and how did your parents did make you into a great character  ( so its impossible not to write about about ya ) its all new but i love how you  how you became my helped  hand and i knew you will be somebodies futures great husband , father and i kinda like how you treat me like an brother . safe and sound ... yeah your future children will be lucky to have you around  . just saying  

An Spectre ball

hi my name is , miss fit and i am known for sitting in my room when i am not in the hospital and pick up guys with my geeky lines that goes a bit like this : this is kinda like speed date i imagine , and you look like quite an fantasy to me ? they never see it coming because i hit them , without an warning - i love it , but i knew there wore an end of this story from the beginning - you wore just there to take care of me which i like , specially when you had so heavenly eyes , gentle soul and role model - basically looked like an model but this wore the problem also i fell for him , as i usually do , when somebody is kind , lit fell out of my wheelchair the first day when i saw him because he look so dreamy basically look like an DJ , and now i can sleeping , thats an great feeling , finding healing , within yourself . how you wore bruise and scared , but you play me like an guitar , made me feel like an superstar you make me fall a bit more in love with ya , " sorry " but this would be an epic love story , did not meant to write it but some people just are impossible to not write about , you know ... how you seem to understand my condition and you the only medication , and i know i am an Spectre ball that always seem to fall for people like you but i cant help if you are an dream come true ( or at least you are for me  i believe ) some say you cant eat the cake and have it to but maybe , just maybe once in a while there is an reason for me to smile ? 

you dont like me

running late , i cant wait , been missing you for like an week and will miss you forever
smashing lights , oh those magical nights standing by the bar , styled like an pop star 
god those wore those days i never will have back and do you know how you look at me like i wore , perfect . i wore feeling so loved , beloved here - met me about our spot , where you  secretly had me , caught in your feels and it gave me feels . it was unreal - because i never though this feel when you , looked at me and made believe , sadly you make me deceived when you say you like me when you add , so somewhere when i board the flight to Sweden i forget the guy in England that never wore much into me .Memories , that you gave . like the smell of your aftershave and how you look drunk in love , but it never wore in me 

10 years later

 those smashing lads at the pub , memories from 2011 run faster then a mascara ,  fell into somebody , stroked by the neon light and i remember that night - like it wore yesterday because it wore everything . A felt like i became to heaven sent , like nothing could be more perfect but little did i know i would fall in love for somebody that treated me , like i wore - somebody , 10 years later .  

söndag 14 november 2021

look what u done to me x

hi my name is , miss fit and i am known for sitting in my room when i am not in the hospital and pick up guys with my geeky lines that goes a bit like this : this is kinda like speed date i imagine , and you look like quite an fantasy to me ? they never see it coming because i hit them , without an warning - i love it , but i knew there wore an end of this story from the beginning - you wore just there to take care of me which i like , specially when you had so heavenly eyes , gentle soul and role model - basically looked like an model but this wore the problem also i fell for him , as i usually do , when somebody is kind , lit fell out of my wheelchair the first day when i saw him because he look so dreamy basically look like an DJ , and now i can sleeping - look what you done to me ? Manifest it , say it , wish it for it BABE ... you could be the one that get away or the one that on that one  who make me take an chance on this things call love ? will it be you , i dont know ? 


hi my name is , miss fit and i am known for sitting in my room when i am not in the hospital and pick up guys with my geeky lines that goes a bit like this : this is kinda like speed date i imagine , and you look like quite an fantasy to me ? they never see it coming because i hit them , without an warning - i love it ! i  like how the make me fall out my wheelchair , becomes my caretaker and how did your parents did make you into a great character  ( so its impossible not to write about about ya ) its all new but i love how you  how you became my helped  hand 
and friend , and made the retirement more then what it was because i became heaven sent in your presence , yeah , i hate the distance of you because i miss you as my friend , you wore always my safety net and how we met wore everything but perfect but i loved it ... this makes the antidotes for me . and i hope you know i appreciate everything you did ( even if it wore only in my head  ) you became an beautiful character , that made me strong , happy to go but i never really wanted to go , i wanted to stay and became the ghost of the the retirement , your heart , the past and george ... because memories is what i have and what  i love 


 i like how you check up on me like i am yours , how i when i am along play one of our song , it make me feel less alone ... feel kinda safe with distance , but sometimes i would love to be in your face - if you know what i mean ? sometimes i wonder if you just an dream or if this reality , if i become an narcissist of my vanity but mostly , i got lost in on google of every time i google your name and now i wonder who i am ? Find myself in heaven , seven heaven - true or dare and my friends tell me always overshare but i dont care because this feeling is , rare 

an great character

i grew up with adventures of moomin valley 
and i remember you came when i fell out my wheelchair
like i wore on the Finnish rally and i recall had no hair 
but you made me  feel like an hair model , style me like some pop princess 
with the mood like little My , but i hope u still love  me like i fancy you ? 
you style me in pampers and i dident know i would fall in ... love , please dont let me go ? 
i am just little My . and i never really wanted to say bye but we all have to fly to find .,,,
how you dident saw me as an diagnose ,  how we got closer then clothes , how you style me  like an stylist and became my make up artist , how you ride with me like i wore in Finnish Rally 
yeah i grew up in moomin valley , a country built on fables and story telling . here wore i became to fell for my love for my  Moomin but cheeky like Little My and that have help me through , recovery .

Me move in on the retirement lol

part 2 of moomin lol

i grew up with adventures of moomin valley 
and i remember you came when i fell out my wheelchair
like i wore on the Finnish ralley and i recall had no hair 
but you made me  feel like an hair model , style me like some pop princess 
with the mood like little My , but i hope u still love  me like i fancy you ? 
you style me in pampers and i dident know i would fall in ... love , please dont let me go ? 
i am just little My . and i never really wanted to say bye but we all have to fly to find .,,, recovery , i really like my last character who kinda look like an hipster , i wonder how many girls he kissed or why dont he have my lips , on his ... bucketlist - i mean you are my make a wish , a dream come true and i really dident knew that i would fall in love in retirement ... 

the gift that keeps giving

 i plan my winter wonderland in summer but everything goes out of line , i like to think you mine santa claus - that you can make every wish , come true ? I like to bake ginger bread house but they always break and i never have somebody to celebrate my Christmans with , yeah i am lonely but babe , i never lonely when i lisen of  your songs - they have become our songs now ! And you the gift that keeps giving because you never , leaving ... 

Helliden Heartaches

 i remember when i met you at Helliden , i wore like a bit scared for you as this neighbor but then i realize he was not what him seem , yeah you gave me my winter dream - i wore standing at the stairs , pin up hair - way to short skirt and i recall it wore dark like my heart , until you appear from nowhere and helped me down , how we slide down to school building , how you took my hand , it wore here i made an friend and i hate how it end because i am still you friend ... in the witness of the moon you made me head over the moon and how you made me dance like the stars , above - meeting you wore like an dream come true  , how you became my Helliden heartache , how every  every crushed dream went down to the lakes , in the in the deepest part of the Forest where i got left once  and gave up , about ... romance ... it looks heavenly to here .... to cry 

NR 1

 how many times have your heart been declined before you find the number one ? they say you have to kiss many frogs to miss the one , that got away - all i want you to dial my number , check me up .., now and then , we dont have to have an label , maybe we just can be friends but secretly i want the happy end but i know i am an , tragic sight but you make me feel like i am perfect who i am 


i grew up with adventures of moomin valley 
and i remember you came when i fell out my wheelchair
like i wore on the Finnish ralley and i recall had no hair 
but you made me  feel like an hair model , style me like some pop princess 
with the mood like little My , but i hope u still love  me like i fancy you ? 
you style me in pampers and i dident know i would fall in ... love , please dont let me go ? 
i am just little My . and i never really wanted to say bye but we all have to fly to find .,,, recovery 


 there is a winter wonderland that calls Finland , i used to hate but grew to love . Where i saw mom kissing Santa , dident understand it back then ,but now i do , how i bake gingerbread in summer and how you always made me feel like i wore , dumber because i come from the land of the North ? Where the man is dress is fannel and fleece  , standing there by his firewood pile he just made ,  that you are an mumrik , dont need material things or being  liked by you , if you which made me feel happy but also what if you dont like me ? i got such a heart of moomin lol . 

lördag 13 november 2021

tag team

 i am not sure how we got here , maybe it wore when i begin tag you and maybe you actually saw my comments on your comment wall never really thought you see me of the shout out of cool chics that you hang with , but maybe you saw i was beautiful underneath ?   i think it wore an Monday when you add me , went back and forth and i got insecure - though i had closed the door to any relationship or friendship . that it wore some kinda deadline on it but apparently not and now , you got me ... caught 

the exitment of an boy

 to be honest i am pretty freaked out when people send me an message because i tend to get overexcited of joy that an boy recall my name because i hardly remember who i am , but its mostly appreciated though ! I love to hear from you , those small conversation make me feel happy and you make me feel so lovely , i most confess i am not the best in keep in touch but i try my best but you better know you got a special place in my face who nobody can , replace 

happy end

 the songs from you hunt me like an words , things i never heard and the safety i always wanted , but never though it come in record player  , hope to God - your reputation is not true , they say you are an player - but every record machine stop once and maybe , i can have the last dance ? I took an shot , made an wish - God , tell me you are who you  , are , i remember how we went on repeat and i cant get we met on Internet , take that - all bullies from my past , i actually have an friend , my happy end ...

How we became friends

  my heart belongs to the those who record love songs , did you know only DJS got the skills to puzzle a heart , together - i love the way producers are the hidden stars , who can with their magic - all come together , break down but you help me out , yet again and that is why you are my friend . Yeah , i like  how music is so healing - how i get that lovely feeling like everything will be fine even if i go sometime out of line and i like that you always comeback to me because frankly not many people do , stay nowadays - but you did and i do appreciate that - the way you came into my fever dreams where so visual , when i lay in coma for an month and i wore like what a fuck - but it kinda felt like Ibiza rocks when you help me out , when i could write you made it easier because i always could your music , hear and i sorta felt your presence , near even if i wore half death but somehow you levitate an made an new friend and old fan , it wore kinda an body experience how we became friends , you did it knew it , but i manifest it back then ... and how you  help me with my talk , recover me with listen to your music while i walk - yeah its a long journey to go but i like obstacle courses so i see life as one and you have to learn walk before you run 

choke on my words around you

you dont have to be an star 
all i want you have an good moral 
like that you make me choke on my words
yes you dont have to look like that Brad Pitt
to be honest he do it for me anyway 
all i want an good character in somebody 
down to earth to see what i am , worth 
that is humble and keep me out of trouble 
thats all i need , that an somebody that not 
make my heart bleed 

heaven sent

i got a thing for everything that can make me breathing 
or somebody that make feel like i am , healing 
i know i tend to be way to reveling 
when i write about the people i like 
it just because i tend to  be , heaven sent 
or fall out wheelchair when they come around
like being wore knock out the chair 
of my carrier because i never seen such an character
in an human and really liked how you treat me as an woman

blue and white heart

 i come from the magical and mystical land call Finland , i wore living with moomins and snork Maiden , in the forever winter is and we always wish for ... summer but that is just an make an wish , how our national man is the santa claus and how we swear never grow up - so please dont , make us ! swear to be naive and always believe in him , and i will never grow up  , when you look at the countryside you see it will have it flaws - but it was i love . not everything have to be , perfect but then again it kinda sound like an perfect because its has that effect on me , melancholia  , nostalgia - and i am kinda fond of it  

fangirl for life

i prefer distance then up close , an i like how you become one of my boys i drawn to . like every time i got a problem , you work overtime to solve time . we do have to talk much , i just tend to sound like an interview because you got me , framed - picture perfect , but nothing with me is flawless and i will be up front with you from the moment we met . yeah i am a broken doll and all you dated is 'models and it give me insecurities . I hate how i like your exes lyric but i think i am better poet , kinda deep and i can put you to sleep with my words , that probably better then you ever heard because its mine delivered to you and i hate how you make me love every one of your , song - they are ours now , and you can see me in every show , the face of an fangirl going out of control , in the audience from the platform and i know i am not really the norm , but i am something . trapped in the mash pit , afraid to have an fit but love every moment of the show ,  this is where i find my happiness and forget my insecurities , how i get accepted by the crowd and feel for once , safe and sound 


fredag 12 november 2021

for sure

hands on my hips 
i call dips on his , lips 
pull you into my heart 
and wrap me around your fingertips 
watch you deep in the eyes where the secret lays 
trying to figure you out but one thing is for sure 
there no way back now , when it comes to love 
i am down -for sure 

not with u

if you not got Klein eyes 
you no boyfriend of mine
sorry i have to decline 
 while i am on topic 
of request things 
empathy . kindness 
make you the prince 
of my heart 
and if you got humor 
you have an in 
and i do prefer tall guys
that are nice 
but what i seen on your Instagram
you seem all humble and down to earth
and i love that you know your self worth
when you approach me i feel comfort 
i like that because i tend to break a leg 
when somebody say hey 
but not with you , i actually feel okey 

The stylist

 everyone think they knows , how it to be known as the girl in hospital gown but i had my fun , it wore when i fell out of my wheelchair and into my carrier ,  because he looked kinda like an babe and i wore like here i got my new chapter , " YES " how you made me feel like i wore so stylish in that bald skull , almost like an supermodel , how you look so handsome with that ocean eyes and how you help me undress my clothes for the first time , it wore so awkward but kinda still awesome , the way you look at me made me feel , special so i decided to make him , special ! How he put make up on me like an make up artist and how his voice belong on Billboard list because it wore priceless and how he style me like an pop princess 

more then friends

 your songs remind me about us 

and i like it how you make me spin
in my wheelchair , you might notice me there
there in the audience , but i am the girl  under influence
you give me all the feels , chills and i wonder if this is - real ? 
i just been sitting dreaming , wishing about things like this 
never thought you would be deliver my make an wish ? 
spin the bottle , kiss and tell - just an other day to live through the hell ...
you drag me the mystery - seven heaven and i am levitate , and meeting you , i think its faith , true or dare - who care , you will always be my .... dare ¨
the one i never will forget i met and yes it was everything , but perfect 
how i became starstruck because i couldn't believe my luck 
that you came in fever dream during when i wore in coma 
and how you help me recover - is nothing i wanna do over 
somehow you make me crumble , stumble of every word 
been all around the world but the only place on my bucket list 
is to be kissed by you - its my not so make a wish 
yeah , is it weird i like you so much i got you comeback 
how many times , it gone out lines 
and i not sure why you attract somebody like me because its not like i am look like your exes
but i sure do write some deep text and i never thought you became the next and most of my stuff have no context but then again , you remind me of an Gillette model that i never kiss and  tell . because i dont wanna make any star fall ... local or international , yeah you got features that is remind me of swords and you are the king of pop , who made my heart stop but fortunate you brought me , back to life - once or twice and thats why we more then ... friends