fredag 19 november 2021


 there something with you that trigger in the way you look at me like you know what is love , how you put me above and pick me up when i am , down - brush me broken crown and together we are the talk of the town , you paint an beautiful setting , how the prince kneel for the princess , and the feeling wore priceless . how i heard you swept in on your white horse , how i wore kept my eyes closed and how you help me with my blouse , the intimacy of it all  , how you become my wonderwall , i remember waking up and watching your blue eyes , falling from the sky - it wore the best feeling ever and that what you deliver so i could begin an new chapter , to skiss on an new character and find an new inspiration , how you pick me up like an cup of coffee , help me to find my ambition and motivation , when everyone leave , you stay and maybe one day will find our way around , back . i remember that i sat in the corner of the retirement and felt heaven sent when you pull out the chair on the break , and i know its a lot on stake but maybe if you give your time to give yourself an break , then you might notice i am here for you while you do you because i support you because thats what friends , do 

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