onsdag 24 november 2021

I Bet You Think About Me

i remember when i met Jim 
thought he wore an daydream
but truth be told he wore treating me so cold 
like we never met , perfect and i wish i could forget
when him find an new chic , i think her name is kim ? 
i remember how hard i tried to fit in with Bex , she look so perfect
how you cousin wore so cool and collected there at the dance floor
i remember how Sam look dope behind the bar and how the lord made me feel so comfortable here at the inn , even it wore a bit shabby chic but i kinda liked it 
and somehow you all become my next inspiration when i wore in Brighton 
did not meant to but everyone know , i write about my friends anyway
i recall how you change your status and i wore like yeah  and how you never keep in touch even you should , this was when i knew this was not love but i sure wore fascinated of the though of us , thinking what if - and you should be happy i live in an other country i would probably crash your wedding and object because obliviously , my love is most priceless ...

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