lördag 20 november 2021

everyone know i write about my friends anyway

i am very well what i am
not the girl that guys like 
yeah i know my type 
i wore diagnose of somebody 
before i learn to accept my body
the flaws and scars 
i come to live with 
how i used to hate it 
but know i kinda fond of it 
because i am an miracle 
one of an kind 
i might break , shake 
but i got soul , brain and  cleverness
the intelligence with the people who stays 
those are my true , friends 
and yeah , i know i namedrop people way to much
/ specially if you happen to be my crush 
but have you seen how you look and deserve and chapter in an book ?
yeah , everyone knows i write about my friends , anyway 
because i want you forever in my heart to , stay 

worth noting : this is my fave love song btw 

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