torsdag 31 oktober 2019

meet me in the soundcloud

i bury my feelings in a heart
carry my ache with a smile
i am awake but my body is sleep
wish you wore mine to keep ?
promise we meet up in heaven
cloud nine , soundcloud
because i like to have you around
we could chit and chat
laught when i freaked out in hangout
we , could just be lazy and hang
not really doing a thang
but with you ...
it sounds heavenly

i want that brain cells of yours


according to spotify i am the single
of the month put aleast  im  hot
got those lips that kill
and wear a bulletproof west
and my heart jump out of my chest
play with my heart , not my emotions
catch deals , not feels ...
boss up ,  not fuck up

sign  autographs, not bodyparts 

catch feels , not hearts 

they tell me  i am the single of  the month
come a bit closer , let me pick your brain 
i wanna see whats  in 
there , what kinda things that will appear 
out of blue , without a clue 
i want every brain cell of yours 
because you open the door 
to a new world and when i have your song heard 
i know every drop and word 


my thought about 2011 have change what use to glow and be bright
reflecting at it i can tell you wasnt good for my mental health
i got more acknowleage by celebs and thats quite weird it scared
but im over being depressed and heartbroken , everyone have their heart stolen
once or twice and to be honest i dont really care much for love
just need something to write about and your aura is kinda in my face
but i find a knew one and he will be hard to be replace
2009 tried to hurt me with words , but i used them against him
you dont treat a girl like that , she should be handle gentle and with respect
he going down in history as the girl who made a girl with epilepsy , cry
than you come by 2018 , treat her illness with killness and she become breathless
and from that day you are my fave and i have no shame if it you as a friend , claim


according to spotify i am the single
of the month put aleast  im  hot
got those lips that kill
and wear a bulletproof west
and my heart jump out of my chest
play with my heart , not my emotions
catch deals , not feels ...
boss up ,  not fuck up
you think you got monapholy 
on this body , you dead wrong 
its holy 
and remember said this song 
wore ours , its his 
i might not be there but i am in spirit 
the only guy that hand me my number 
that know how to make a dm to a poem 
dont really knew how you made it 
became more than one hit 
wonder , but i must admit there been some blunder 
that drop it like it hot and suddenly im caught 
in a web of songs of us 

Band t-shirt

you should send me some merch
because i really do promote the heck
out of you and i would namedrop
but i dont think you like that
so i scratch that
but you really should hand me some merch
because that is what i worth
promotion is what i do
make them boys upgrade
but we should trade
details because i need a shirt
because that is what is i am worth

just for fun . unless you wanna do it hahahha ,

( i write about everything )

never gonna skip you on my playlist

he got that lips that kills and dms that heals
i heard through the rumour mill that you a big deal
but maybe we got off on the wrong foot
when i kicked you out , thought you wore fake
i acknowleage my mistake
you know you wear my biggest secret like a locket
and i wear yours around my neck and rock it
i am not good with friendship but you worth to keep
and you are the song i never skip on my playlist

catch deals , not feels

according to spotify i am the single
of the month put aleast  im  hot
got those lips that kill
and wear a bulletproof west
and my heart jump out of my chest
play with my heart , not my emotions
catch deals , not feels ...
boss up ,  not fuck up
motivated , keep it intrestested
focus one on thing only
realize i am not a trophey
i am the goal
they say love is golden
why does heart get stolen ?

single of the month

according to spotify i am the single
of the month put aleast  im  hot
got those lips that kill
and wear a bulletproof west
and my heart jump out of my chest
every time i feel you creep
but i like it that way , dont be asleep
according to spotify i am the single
of month , so come here and
dont be shy , hit that button with a like
an little nutch , push
did i mention i develop some kinda crush ?
at your mind , a intellect like yours is hard to find
and somehow everything sound like a rhyme
sorry if i am get out line but you always pull me in
you the only one that check on me , even i try my best
dig myself a hole but somehow you went and stole
my heart with that alert

i must look like a idiot

home parties and not knowing anybody

stare at the ground , try to make no sound

while you make a entrence , how do i look when i dance ?

the time is half nine and , where is my friends

they should been here by now

im alone in the neon light and all i can do

is look at you

i must look like a idiot

stumbling over words , biting my nails

teenage agnst

my eyes is flitch and some bitch think i am flirting with her guy

i dont , is not the guy i want and i end up in the toilet

because she curse me out and my night is spoild it 


i just feel secure with you

and i dont feel safe in life

maybe this friendship is perfect ?

remember how i fall out in hang out

reject you in fear of you wouldnt able to handle me

but than every season , spring , summer , fall

you add me

pull me back , in the line - from being on the outside to in side

and i like to think of you as a friend of mine

just with ten words i never heard , you like to talk

it official , from low key to public

and not even my relatives have state that

yeah . first i felt kinda dumb now i just im never felt more secure in this


( this is our song btw i decided )


you got lips that kills

you got dms that heals
they tell me love is golden
why does heart than get stolen ? 
but dont worry i wear my bulletproof west 
around my chest , so my heart wont just out of my chest 
play with my heart , not emotions  
there million ways to show your devotion 
loyality is what i choose , putting them i hold close 
dont take it as a subtext 
like i want get with my ex 
i got my first mill by doing this 
writing about somebodies kiss 

onsdag 30 oktober 2019

i wear a bulletproof west around you

i got a seven figure body 
lips like kill and somebody should claim dibs 
heart of a gold , kiss them before our story get untold 
i catching deals ,dutching  feels
but there you go and say my name is cute 
every lyric is a love note 
signed and deliver since that dm 
show  me how it is , feelings ?
never really had it , thought it wore for suckers 
am i become one of those lovers ? 
you should claim me yours , this love should be ours ...
platonic as the best , and i swear that i wear a bullet proof west 
around you so i wont let your arrows in , just dms 

My body is a party

my body is party
ready to be gate crash
my lips is up for dips
and my heart is for keep
the tongue is quite sweet
better on catching feelings than love
never been so secure , so sure
in her body and self-steem
it been a bumpy road embraced with tears
dreams she had to sacifiy but now she feel electrify
and all she can do is ... glow because she know its the end of the row
when she finally found herself , acceptance and self love

new playlist : more love inspo like soulful and rnb etc ( seriously this might be the best i made )

i thought love wore for suckers

i got a seven figure body 

lips like kill and somebody should claim dibs 
heart of a gold , kiss them before our story get untold 
i catching deals , not feels when you say my name is cute
every lyric is a love note 
signed and deliver since that dm 
show how it is , feelings ?
never really had it , thought it wore for suckers 
am i become one of those lovers ? 


play with heart , not with emotions
talk money but dont grab my wallet 
im a goal digger , not a gold digger
work hard and boss up 
got my first by the age of eighteen 
i got a seven figure body 
made my first mill , just have it chill 
but i sure know how to catch deal
that is the appeal in life , sign the line
and is not my fault my exes never got the hint 
.this is a shout out to them to made me who i am 
i just think it funny that they missed out money 
that cash me outside when i always wore around 
you wore a lesson in disquise , a good advice 
he still  in love with his ex
i can tell it in your text
and i learn that life take diffrent turns 
if you feel something burns 


play with heart , not with emotions
talk money isnt it obvious ?
protect your heart because love will break it apart 
put yourself together and know you have chart 
peek . everyday you the goal you seek 
got the brain and beauty - damn girl , your a cutie ! 
you shine , go head and strive 
put on your smile , stand before the mirror and practice 
practice make perfect and fake it to you make it 
brush up to you cover up
your heartache with happiness
become the girl he will regret did reject
but more important the girl that that you , select

Goal digger

play with heart , not with emotions
talk money isnt it obvious ?
make deal , get that mill , catch no feel
all these bitches have nothing to worry about 
all i want in this mouth is 
.... snacks 
you know im not into backstab 
... girlfriends backs 
im that boss girl , got my first mill 
when i got legal and thats power 
i recall school wore a bitch
but little did i knew i would end up  
rich ,its a rags to riches story 
and i am going down in history 
from being homeless address 
to become a castle princess 
of course they some crack in some mirror 
deep inside she knew she is a warrior 
through the smoke and shadow 
she find acceptance and love herself 
she got the moral and keep it tight 
until she met mr right 
take pride in that she prude 
and never give it up for a dude 

clever heart , smartar brain

play with heart , not with emotions
talk money isnt it obvious ?
got my first mill by eighteen 
my life isnt optinal but is mine 
i bet some of my crushes 
wish they didnt me have decline ? 
i got a seven figure body 
but i want i wont give it to somebody 
that still  in love with your ex
i can tell it in your text
clever heart , smarter brain 
play with my heart , not my emotions 
make my bank account look fine 
just because i had a fall when i wore like nine
heartbreaks might come but i am still the bomb 
when it come in one sence , i never be 50 cent 

so this i inspired by a meme 

catch deals , no feels

play with heart , not with emotions
talk money isnt it obvious ?
write my name on it before you make love to it 
your a bad idea , sounds good to me ... 
sign of approval , spank me if you dissapproval 
catch deals , not feels 
play with my head , thats how we communicate 
i want a man with brain not a boy that always run late 
not claim to perfect , but least i get likes from celebs 
they say richs kids play best and i think we should some selfies ? 

im very in doja cat currently lol 

follow me around like seasons

the best thing ever have you deliver
in a form of dm
and i like the way you came in form of a heart
a alert notication that became my medication
the cure , that made me assure
i wore was special
how you invite me to hangout but didnt give the best impression
i blame my medication
for our fall out , i remember i wore crying for like a half year when you came in april
and i was like dont make me a april fool , thats the only rule i got
how i recall you wore the friend i always wanted because you stay
how much i turned away
it was the hardest part because i didnt want to break your heart
and looking back at it i felt that casual cruel but you wore that cool is cruel
but somehow i like how you came around like seasons ...
you the only friend i had and you quite rad

you know you got my heart

play with heart , not with emotions
talk money isnt it obvious ?
i have my feelings on display 
pin them down in my diary 
could care less about millions 
i got my own deals , feels 
my intentions are good
but the people are bad
im going mental overhere
he might be king of the billioard
but i am am the queen of the ward
and you got know you got my heart

fancy nancy

i predict  you wont be one i select
you will be the one i reject
play with heart , not with emotions
talk money and like is it obvious ?
like is written in my face
got expections on dm boys to act like men
rule number one dont hang out your bum
i am  a class act and this is not how to react
when you see a fancy nancy
i can replace you like that , in a new york minute
and i tend to do it because i love a upgrade
a classic that never fade who actually know my name
i got friends in high place and deserve better
he tell me that , once , twice , third and four
acknoweage me that this friendship is our

you be the star and i be the moon

you still in love with your ex
i can tell it in your text
the tears , second guess and heartache
but i not gonna let you have it
not when it my heart on stake
if is somebody who gonna kill my heart
is me , the effort you put in
not to talk about in
when all you wanna to talk with him
you gonna choke up on the memories and stories
but than you gonna laugh because they become inside jokes
that you and your friends will laught at , clap back on the gram
but you must realize that he never wore wore your man
you still in love with your ex , still the one the one that you text
instead of saying thank you next , one thing i learn
nothing have ever burn
like a heart turned cold and it was getting old
but i wore like
yeah right you might be a star but i am the moon
and together we dance in the night
all i know you make me glow
fall over the ground like the snow
cover the sound of the steps with your snowflakes
and in the dawn of the break you comeback
whats been covering in snow must appear in spring

tisdag 29 oktober 2019

new playlist up : fave girls currently

if this is humanity i dont want to belong

you still in love with your ex
i can tell it in your text
tradition tell me you will marry
settle down and some babies , carry
but all i care for is my dreams
and its not a white fence and big house
50 percent of relationship break up
and they rest isnt worth to keep
yeah i rather grow old myself
than knowing somebody i never grew to love
its insult that the adult made me like that this
fear of the future and im not sure if there is a cure
all talk , no action ... is this humanity
i dont reconize this community ?
what the point to child when this its the world its inherit
i dont really get how far came and is the mother earth
have to pay or is there an other way ?


 i got a number in my phonebook
i guess we friends now ?
i got a message on the answerphone
it sounded like a studio
could pinpoint the location 
it sound like my next vacation 
i never had a friend since i wore eight 
and it freaked out when we chat in hangout 
your position , my situation 
but now i understand you better
when it comes to life situations 
it shouldnt matter 
that is what you told me this year 
that heart tends to comeback 
... in diffrent circumstence 
and i think its kinda weird
when all i done is hangout at hospital visit 
you would slide in , that hollywood it 
and give me that special treatmeant 
i wore trying to run , reject to protect your dreams 
but maybe you dont mind having me in your scene 
maybe we more in common then i thought 
 like than i thought ? 
somehow i feel a deep connection 
that i never felt , like you split image of me 
like a reflection of what is my dream 

me about my inspirations .


i got a number in my phonebook
i guess we friends now ?
i got a message on the answerphone
it sounded like a studio
could pinpoint the location 
it sound like my next vacation 
try my phone next time , not my moms
you can if you like slide in my dms 
there is where you find me 
and most likely get an reply 
not much of talking , more of texting 
well until i get to know you , personal 
than i be like all over the place 
and probably in your face 
like a pinball machine 
but something i wont be is filther myself 
like a washing maching 

who the hell , reject your idol ?

i got a number in my phonebook
i guess we friends now ?
i got a message on the answerphone
it sounded like a studio
could pinpoint the location 
it sound like my next vacation 
not the greatest of answer call 
i live in presence and i like friends at distance 
but maybe i should do an effort , as you done ?
i always been that person that run when i felt comfortable 
but this friendship feel like a mentorship and is worth keep 
something i never really felt because you do understand 
my situation and thats why never ever blow your cover 
i dont see you as the starboy , i see you as the day light 
a person and who treat me like a friend and human
not a condition 
and that is what i admire in you most 
how you that high but still keep it real 
and to be honest i cant honest how you we got from TRL to IRL 
and that is what i like with you most 
but i wore trying to reject you mainly because i wore afraid to disappoint you 
so i did the most thing i had to do, let you go 
but than you came around and people dont do that but you did 
thats loyalality and i value that and did you the only phone number i got 
of any guy ,ever - hashtag , friendship goals 
but than i did a mistake or , i thought now it just something to laught at 
i went and  reject my idol but he kept his eye on me , add me and we still friends . 
so it wore a happy end , you become mine and im thankful for that ! 

lol .you know who you are x 

i guess we friends now

i got a number in my phonebook
i guess we friends now ?
i got a message on the answerphone
it sounded like a studio
and by the IGs post , i added one and one
it just you called at my moms phone which all turn off
and have a bad signal - google my name you know who i am
but i keep the other phone on , i just want to let you know
im not the girl to dial first as i am very shy and introvert
maybe you like that ?
but you take me out of my zone , little by little
witch is good and i try to be subtle
low key but i am pretty obvious
dont you agree ?

the humble guy

He is richest who is content
with the least

 for content is the wealth of nature
I know the name of the king 
That is definition of this 
devoted  to the nature 
Is the tree whisper 
He talk to plants 
Make them grew 
He have a understanding 
For the small bugs
And do understand that everything
Mother Nature want is
to get embraced by a hug ... 
As i mention 
He is richest who is content
with the least
for content is the wealth of nature
Because he understand
that gods treasure 
Given to him 
To preserve 
earth and make it rebirth 
in all flora and bloom 
this is just the nature way
… to say everything has a place and room

the sign

they say there no accidents
and there the wore a sign
a star that was aline
if it meant it meant
and you from heaven sent
i go online and you there
i go offline but you in the atmosphere
never seen something shine so bright
you glow like radeon and its quite a rodeo
we went , on an off , back and forth
of all the cool chics at the disco
you saw me in the chair
dont think it wore a accident
how you dial my number
i heard sound in the background
and it sounded like your studio
you know you are everything , my mentor in this
how strange it sound like and you also a perfect night
but also a friend and you know me , loyal as a fan


people scan my feelings at hospials visits
exam my body part and operate my heart
pacmaker in when i wore fourteen
wasnt optional , wasnt the teenage dream
but it was my life , going under the knife
not for beauty purpose just surgeon
became a piece of meat , to cut in
filled with darkness and regret
i didnt want my condition define me as a human
and there only at one place i felt so safe and sound
like nobody give a damn , its when you around
i might not be able to dance , but i am lost in the trance
and for some second i feel like levitate and not become wheelchair bound
the spell you have in your drop , scratch and yeah , i think we are the perfect match

måndag 28 oktober 2019

ushuaia moments from the summer

find a random video i made from ushuaia and havent publish , enjoy . i did enjoy the show and ibiza .. like always . i also went to garrix but i havent found his mv yet ,. and i had a great guy i talk with on the plane , that work as a promotion thing for martin garixx and other people , dj with i wore bothered under the flight and he show what he was doing ,, it was very intresting .

Duas rules

over the locals , bad boys , fuck boys

you think you sick ,i have call you an uber 
got the match in her hand and this is the end 
finally i got my closure , this chapter is over 
picking on a hospital girl , who does that 
you dont have any respect 
over the locals , bad boys , fuck boys 
time for a upgrade , no shade ... 
but the way way you treat me isnt very cool 
and know i am following that Duas rule
close the chapter and call a uber 
becuse we so over 

i was in a mood  . lol 

you make me better

they tell you learn by every heartache
but i dont really had mine , break
i figure when you have issues with health
there is another lesson to learn , self worth
it wore a long journey of acceptance
bumby roads , hit the ground to feel safe and sound
nobody wore really acknowleage me as a person
just saw me as a condition but than you came around
and of fear of rejection , i decline you but you always come through
suddenly it clicked and you wore the break through
i never felt so secure in us and you make me better
acknowleadge that i am matter
i like that

My Type , My Type

my type is my type , successful and stiving
they say similar mind, similar kind
when im fall , im go all in , drop it low
i dont backstab girlfriend , back
i have their back , tell her im going for the throne
feel comfortable being in the friendzone
third wheel is my jet set and dont you ever forget
i rather eat snacks , than get snogs
am the wallflower with a blog
that rather sing along to your songs
yeah my type is my type
ambition and passion , goals and dreams
got that independent lifestyle
and is more about friendship
than relationship

söndag 27 oktober 2019

the long road , no short cuts

her reletivies never attend
her birthday party that she spend 
the week to plan , this wore the beginning of the end
she wore sitting in the confetti and ballons , crying in the cake 
it was by now she got they wore fake 
i mean who does that to a sick girl , the only sick with her wore fam 
this wore when i realize there nothing wrong who i am 
just with my aunt , cousins - its an insult that i have to be more clever than the adult 
that they stood me up on my birthday day , dumped me like they didnt want me 
i remember going abroad , spread my wings and nobody asked how it was 
it was like i wore invisable and could care less if i would seizure 
how you scream in my ear to see if i would fit 
and my aunt just laugh , basically it wore a threat 
because he knew very well i could drop dead
how far he could take it until i would end up in the hospital bed
nobody ever made me included , did invite me to hangouts
so when you did i wore like freak out
i was in a bad place but now im a good
out of the tangled wood , filled with swamps and nest
and little did i knew when i left the negative behind
something better i would ... found
somebody that actually over me is proud

right track

my hands are shaking , i am a living earth quake

love to dance but my legs are not my friends

everyone walk away like im contagious

i was trying to protect your heart

by reject you but you always cameback

i like that

how you chase me down to see if i wore all right

nobody have asked me that and that why you perfect

i dont see you as a star , i see you as somebody who raise my bar

how i should think better of myself because i do actually , matter

how you find me in my darkest place and still acknowleage my presence

when everyone ran , you stay and all i known is walking away '

but i doing a new thing now , letting people in

and i like this chapter because i never felt so secure

they say music is the cure and you wore the healing

you deeper than my epilepsy , for a while i thought it wore all fantasy

but than you go an state the fact , you like me back

confirm im on right track and thats all i ever wanted , somebody to break the wall

but i never thought it would be you

lördag 26 oktober 2019

third wheel

you are the archer , and i am the observer
and we are on stake out in hang out
you  know that i got your back like you got mine
even if it sometimes get out of line
like when i your friendship decline
not that i wanted i just tried to protect your heart
didnt want you know the truth about me
because would you see me , diffrently ?
it killed me i had to do cut you out but some people tend
to comeback around and now i do count you as a friend
because how many times i tried to run and hide
you the one that get me back , how we went from low key to official
and you show me off when everyone judge me for who i am
being emberrassed by my presence you actually it embrance
told me a nothing worth with there action , but than you came
lead by example and gave me a good sample for once
and i like that we are friends , maybe we got more in common
than i thought and i like that you not just a thought
you look good on me and i feel very comfortable with being the third wheel
friend zone is my home and you can always text me , when you on tour
because i like this secret of our and you know im not backstab girls , back
thats not my track - my thing is to sing along to your track

the mentor


he strein his arm , put it down in a dm 
pull the trigger and show me the affection
when he hit my heart 
,..and i was like why do you want my attention ? 
you shot wore done but when you used to rejection
trust people is hard but you broke the wall 
because you have a big role in my fight 
i like to consider you a mentor and every word is a metaphor 
an  antidote and i knew we would a perfect fit 
they say words is like a sword but you got that kill her condition with kindness 
thats why i consider you the baddess , so cool is cruel that make me levitate 
and i am wheelchair bound , so having you around is safe and sound
 im scared of the future , you the cure 
the music that make me forget about time and space
and i know you will be hard to replace <
not like i ever want you to ...erase 

out of the stake out

we head in it a bit to fast and furious
down for the ride until it got dangerous
she always like to play with fire
he had the heart of a bonfire
its wore a wild thing and is this how it feel like living ?
one match and i burn it down
never thought something beautiful
could grew from the ground
he is the archer and i she is the observer
this is a stake out , we hide out in hang out 
every sentence wore a build up
i geuss there wore something with her that stand out
from the cool chics , maybe that she wore sick ?
i try to run from you , decline because of fear
maybe i would say something you didnt like to hear
but you wore the guy who stay , came back
trace my track on internet and i like being the third wheel
and i like the way your music make me become a diffrent person
more of a woman , less of a condition

the archer and the observer

he is the archer and i am the observer

this is a stake out , we hide out in hang out 
everyone want him excapt me , he more of an mentor 
in life , when everything goes left he make it right 
we cool like that , just stating the fact 
it begin a bit rocky but doesnt all friendship do 
but know its me and you , and you have my back 
like i have yours , your  crew and everybody you knew 
if everyone got beef you know i will be in your corner 
but im also the girl shut you down if i think you wrong 
dont care much about titles , i got my own success story
one day i might tell you about them
 but first you must reply to my dm