lördag 19 oktober 2019


never thought you would be the one
that befriended me , maybe you saw
the realness in me , the true and raw ?
remember how we chat in the hangout
casual cruel but it was all a act
and we suddenly i begun to freakout
because you got way too close my heart
thought it wore over when i had you , rejact
but you always seem to come , back
i like that .
because i dont have no clue when it comes to this
friendship because all connections i made at hospital
so when you send a invitation , i put it down with a rejection
to save your heart , dreams because i dont wanna set you up for failure
doing this i wore cheating myself on a friend somebody that actully want to build something
and i acknowleage my mistake and i hope you forgive my mistake
which i think you done and somehow you have my friendship won
which is hard to do because i need to trust you
but i got a feeling you get me like nobody ever done
and that make me feel like i am someone

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