fredag 25 oktober 2019

force of destruction

it was destructiunal and fucked me up
he grab a hold on my heart
hands in mine , tied up in chain
you told me i was pretty
when i wore drain in bloodstein
maybe i wore just there
easy to manupilate
but you impossible to hate
because you made the cold , warm
the winter blue , june
i never thought you wore my type
the first guy i would like
but together we are a nightmare
and you gave me a health scare
yeah you scared me off love
because all i did was
hit and fall , had a close call
with death but they say
in vital moments you know who your real friends are
and know i realize who yo wore
a force of destruction and i will never let you come near
it wore a sign of weakness but i dont do that
that the last you ever from me , hear

( about my boarding school time 2009 )

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