söndag 20 oktober 2019

the guy that always stay

i was in put in a situation , i understand your postition
and i get if you dont want to contribute , i dont expect
a lot but i would be nice with some respect ! ¨
pull back from the when you got to close
never really had a friend like you got along
it made me freak out when we hang out
i try to act cool and coy but everything with this boy
make me obvious , and there no us just ..
 emotional attach and contant heartbreak
wonder how much i can take ?
delete you was a relief but that you came back
four times is a little bit suspect but  for me , its perfect
im not the girl people first choose , im the girl who you reject
and i am cool with heing a friend  because i know who i am
thought i did you a favor by , reject your once
but one thing i learn this year is a heart tend to comeback
in a form , heart or like and maybe we got more common than i like
to admit , do you know when you scribble down that dm
you become a poem i didnt meant to write
but i cant help if you got the morals and honor
of a knight , whatever they say and i tried my best to not let yet you in
pull me away for away but somehow you always stick around
and i like that everything lost can be found
... and of all chapter i met you the boy i never will regret
kinda strange i met you internet

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