fredag 25 oktober 2019

humanity prize for making me your friend

desperate people take desperate massure
but i dont think i can find a cure
for you and you paint my world , blue
i remember when i got told about my diagnose
didnt knew what it meant , still learning
and i remember how scared i was for it
but now i wear it , with pride because i know the person i am
superwoman with epilepsy , and i guess my humor is a self defence
for being this sick but then again having a condition isnt weak
and it took me long time to acknowleage the power within
find the beauty and strengh but now i realize i love myself
the bad parts , make you more of a human
and God gave you this because he knew you would obliviate
from the dark times , fly and levitate and i hope somebody can relate
i dont want to make this about me but its my story and i cant ignore it
like the way you make my seizure stop , when i think my legs drop
you give me the strenght and thats why you are my friend
how you give me time to find myself and still come around
yeah . i wore eight when i lost my first friend and 12 when i lost my second
since that my friends have been the record , they keep me feel less alone
im sorry if i dont like talk on phone
but when you used to rejection , you get used it
sorry if i cant dial your number on a phone
but i got no one
to ask for help but i work on my this friendship
because you the only one i really ship
but i do acknowleage my fault
and if i dont show up to your show is because of my health , but im always there in spirit
hope you get that and this might not be perfect or ideal
but at least is real

( i just like this song , very fitted )

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