söndag 27 oktober 2019

the long road , no short cuts

her reletivies never attend
her birthday party that she spend 
the week to plan , this wore the beginning of the end
she wore sitting in the confetti and ballons , crying in the cake 
it was by now she got they wore fake 
i mean who does that to a sick girl , the only sick with her wore fam 
this wore when i realize there nothing wrong who i am 
just with my aunt , cousins - its an insult that i have to be more clever than the adult 
that they stood me up on my birthday day , dumped me like they didnt want me 
i remember going abroad , spread my wings and nobody asked how it was 
it was like i wore invisable and could care less if i would seizure 
how you scream in my ear to see if i would fit 
and my aunt just laugh , basically it wore a threat 
because he knew very well i could drop dead
how far he could take it until i would end up in the hospital bed
nobody ever made me included , did invite me to hangouts
so when you did i wore like freak out
i was in a bad place but now im a good
out of the tangled wood , filled with swamps and nest
and little did i knew when i left the negative behind
something better i would ... found
somebody that actually over me is proud

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