tisdag 15 oktober 2019

Break through

i am not the girl who make good impressions but i do leave a mark
cant get local boys knock on my door but get hollywood royal click that alert
slide in to that dm and send a message on instagram , its mind blown and surreal
from mtv to url to irl ... do you know how good this feel ?
when you only had friend since you wore like eight
and i wore like , yeah this is clearly gonna be my fate
sitting at home and write about people i dont know
when suddenly you slide in that dm on instagram
you caught me when i wasnt freaking out
and acually seemed casually cool when somebody cool its cruel
wanted to chat with me and i was like damn
suddenly i feel like i elavating in confident
become to heaven sent
just by a like
remember how we was on and off , back and forth
but i always had a feeling that we would come back
and thank god for my blog ...
never in my wildest dream i thought would get a friend in hollywood 

( its quite surreal everything ) 

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