måndag 14 oktober 2019

friends in higher places

you been drooping the needle
i been injecting the needle
you been sampling music
i been sampling blood
but one thing we got in common
and this might sound random
but music , but i know you get it
how we both have an love for playlist
how i used to destroy vinales back in the days
you more modern and use laptop
because you an hot shot
and i like how you reach out and like me
somebody that stained my bloody scrubs
im not  sure why you did it but i liked it
it made me so much cooler then i ever been
 all my life suddenly become like an freaking dream
and i just want you know … 
this isn't really love 
because i know which boundaries not to go 
but I'm also a girl that all about , show 
support for them i respect and love

working with my high school theme .
when i was discovering djs and vinales 

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