lördag 19 juni 2021

forever on vacay

 such a lonlineless when i found the one i am i proudest 
 over , just beause its  over desant mean it over 
how you handle me like slut but i am about that 
 it made me me  cringe that  i got you like , that 
it wore in  my darkest moments , not the proudest
yeah i really relize  what kinda guys i should have 
when i fall in love in retiement and become to heaven sent 
 do you know you know your eyes feels like i am  always on  vacay
 and in your eyes i prefer to , stay 
 i know i am to  prude to send nude but somehow you get me all in my feels 
 do you know how it feels and i know that you want me but it okey 
  because   i still got my fantasy 

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