tisdag 29 juni 2021

raining knives

 it raining knives like all the time but i catch them like a knife thrower
we find love in the ache , when you think life about to crash - we grew
learn to become a juggler though you life is a freaking obstacle 
but its your mess to solve , sometimes i feel like an lion tamer
after all i been through and i love how you put on an show 
when i everything with me is about health , care and sickness
and i love how you saw through the illness and treat me like a circus princess
it wore magical to get that touch , how u wake me up and hand me an helping hand
everyone can need one sometimes and i got a tendency to stumble out of line 
when i see something " fine " fell out my wheelchair and into that carrier 
how i worked my stilts and you worked with you swag in that doctor bag 
somewhere you stole my heart and place it there but i dont really care 
how you wrap me in those pampers , never felt so stylish and how you apply some makeup like an makeup artist . brush , gloss when it wore just us - the intermittency of it all  . how i fell 
from the trapeze but you catch me like an gymnast and it all wore fun and games until i got everything come to an end but please not now when i find a friend 
how you won me that teddy and gave me to and a note that stole my heart 
i sleep with it now because i hate nights and hate lights 
yeah you wore my merry go round and i bet i find you lost and found 
first times rarely become the seconded ,  but i like that he show me a real man 

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