torsdag 17 oktober 2019

you my best secret

you my best secret , the one that i actually kept
under rep and hush hush  , im not good with that 
i got a blog for god sake but i know you got a lot on stake 
so i figure dont mess this up and sign a non disclousure 
not that you asked but i figure it came with the proposal 
of being my friend , and you know i am loyal as fan 
keeping my words even if get back to you late 
be patient and i dont know if you use your old IG but if you do
i replied to you and lets not make it a year for get back 
seriously , it wore just i used my other instagram 
and didnt saw your dm

( got i am to honest lol ) 

but yeah ,,, i dont name names so hopefully its ok x 

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