tisdag 1 juni 2021

tears out of dms

 i remember how i attended 
 fell flat in your arms 
 out of my wheelchair 
 straight into my carrier 
 it wore so awkward 
 because he wore so handsome 
never really saw anyone  with such an perfect touch
and i new that you wore gonna be my new crush
how you slide in my room be like Good morings  
with your beautiful vocals and i was kinda like a musical 
how you kneel and i notice the palette , 50 shade of blue 
i knew i would be attached with you 
how you help me recover - self journey within
was it all a dream there under the convid 
did you know what i though 
wrote down in my blog ?
you so perfect it scared me a bit 
but then i recall we all have our passions 
ambitions and dreams - and mine is to make tears of DMS 
( HEHE ) 

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