tisdag 15 juni 2021

fell in like fountain

i remember how i wore jump in 
that fountain . just like a when you fave soccer team win
how he looked like a dream , hot like a hell and of course i fell in 
that that fountain , how he held me like a child and stroke me like a cat
i think i always remember that , how we met in April and time fly by
at the retirement because you made me heaven sent , 2.0
but i like it a better this time , because you made me " mine " 
for the moment in time , did i get out of line - whatever 
i tend to do that , because i want you to know that everything with him
is just , perfect , never really dive in - felt so sure like i wore at christian
and i hope you knew you wore ( is the greatest time ) is it cool if call you 
by your first name , i just very honored by being touched of your heart 

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