tisdag 15 juni 2021

How you became my poem

never wanted to write this 
but i there a certain beauty 
in sadness i try to portray 
i  remember when i got rejected 
by that punk that thought he wore 
better off without an sick friend 
well , i am over it now 
after like a decade and dont really talk to him 
but i do label him : villain - well that what william
then i went to england , which i kinda write fondly of 
because i wore very healthy like 99 percent of the time
and had really good time meeting everyone '
such as Kev , Taylor , Bex , Sam 
i thought you all wore so cool 
always think i am bit foolish with poems
and then i had this major crush we all know about who 
i bet every girl at george has had it so it wore nothing new 
but i think he liked me . but its over now 
i kinda write it off hehe 
and did you know pete remind me about that " PUNK " 
so in the beginning i was frighting him but he i notice he have a great heart 
will be great dad and the rumors had  " hes had " 
so congrats and i am sorry for your sis who lost that baby 
worst thing that can happen to a new mum 
i wish i knew maybe i could help out 
because i am also epileptic 
so my new character is that ,, carrier 
he might be the greatest 
yeah i remember how i the first day fell out the wheelchair 
in to him and how he pick me up like au pair , stroke me like cat 
style me in huggies and pampers . yeah kinda awkward but i loved it 
how he become me personal stylist and makeup artist 
apply that lip gloss , the intestacy  of the privacy 
of u and i , when you handed out my pills from the medicine cabin
how i throw up in your beautiful  hands and how you wash me , up 
and how you became my tea cup 

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