onsdag 28 april 2021

die hard butterflies

 yeah i know life is not a funfair 
but when i met beautiful souls 
that actually seem to care who i am 
well , that is everything 
because i wore so lost back than 
so i am really loyal to my friends 
whatever if i never more gonna seem them
maybe you just a part of my poem 
but i like them are a dedication of love 
and i really love how you wore my heaven above 
point 2 .0  , because i been living in darkness
but you open the curtains to bring the lightness - in 
yeah i never thought i would met him
how you appear like a daydream , and made me fall in love with space 
i dont think i will ever this place , address be able because you treat me like an princess
how awkwardly i hiccup if you wore single , didnt hear what you said but i glad you me - add
i never felt more protected of you , like you my bodyguard from Die Hard 
and i guess my heart when i had to move on from you . all i have this memories and stories 
wonder if they just fantasies ? 

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