tisdag 13 april 2021

social skills

 i remember how i fell like an acrobat 
into you with my wheelchair when i feel into my carrier 
how i made cartwheels out my wheelchair into your care 
and i like how you pick me up like an aupair
never in my wildest dream i would thought i could make you into a poem
about how you compliment me , support and gave me reachable goals to achieve
how i finally saw an future that wore manageable to live  
yeah i like how you looked for my sleeping mask for like ten minute without find it 
how it wore just you who got to wake me up with your heavenly voice that should record audio books
and i hated how you face have to hidden in that mask but i get it , its for our safeness but most i like how you are my calm in my storm , when i am about to fall down   

hit you like it wore an bumper car but you just smiled 
havent felt it for a while , yeah i remember how
the retirement , which i thought would be so boring but  you became an amusement
and i remember how i thought this might be love and how mom came with candy that i couldnt eat
but i love the icecream , sometimes i wonder if it all wore an nightmare or and daytudent doctor and he 

how i felt so awkward in that skull but you made me fell like a princess
when you told me that compliment , yeah to sum it up retirement wore quite awesome 
mainly because i find home 

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