torsdag 29 april 2021

in the circus tent

 so there you came in  
made me forgot about him
you wore an chapter to get close
and i wore human cannon ball 
i remember how i fell 
out the wheelchair 
into that carrier 
i think he might be 
the greatest charader
but you comethrought 
and i guess now in hindsight 
i wore lucky that i feel like a acrobat 
how you slide in like an gymnast 
yeah you made my stay in retirement 
perfect , felt  like a little kid in the tent 
watching the exotic animals 
remember how you shower me like an elephant 
i think it wore quite like an circus, how much i like to pretend
you only are a friend it make me made as hell that you havent send  me a DM
since the day i left , but what did i expect - you are a guy who deserve perfect 
why did you only love me broken but when i got healed  the curtains drop
my heart almost stop and i realize who wore the real clown was 

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