torsdag 15 april 2021

the fairytale through the ´hell

 he took me to the funfair 
when i fell in his arm 
remember how i felt like an acrobat
how you slide in like gymnast 
lay out the nest and i trampoline 
bounce back like an human cannon ball 
yeah i always been scared for trip and fall
but with i took comfort in his eyes ,  quite a magician 
hands of an wizard that help me heal when i wore an coward 
how he hold my heart so i couldnt escape . not that i likely could 
from this fairytale that begun like a hell but ended up being known
as one of the legends   if only as friends - we got that chris obvious 
and Elin , sweet as an dream , and of course susanna ( which ones ) 
well you decide ) 

haha ... 

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